Idk just read it pls

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Hi! So I was told to share 10 things about myself. I may lose a few reads for this, but it's just who I am. I can't help the way I am. Ok, here goes:
1. I'm bisexual, and I don't know how to tell my parents
2. I'm genderfluid, which means one day I may go by she/her pronouns, one day I might go by they/them pronouns, etc.
3. When I told my best friend I was bi, he asked for a memory wipe. Wtf?
4. I honestly don't know why I'm telling u guys this but I kinda trust u
5. No matter what my pronouns are, I go by Katie
6. I suck at violin XD
7. I cried today cause I realized that Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens never got to hook up
8. My life is a mess (read the above)
9. I told one person I was gender fluid and they tried to talk me out of it. No! I am who I am and can't change. I don't really care about your opinion when it comes to my sexuality. Why do you care?
10. I really love you guys. I thank you everyday for reading this. It gives me this kind of like hope, knowing that someone out there actually gives a crap. I dunno.
Thanks again! It feels so good to let someone know this stuff, even if u are anonymous. Love you guys.


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