Chapter Fifteen

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John's POV
I wake up to find Alexanders eyes close to my face.
"Good morning baby." he says.
"Good morning." I respond. He kisses my nose and whispers boop. I try to do the same, but he covers his face with his hands. He slides under the covers, but I can still hear him snickering. I get out of bed, pull the covers off his body and pick him up bridal style, then carry him into the living room. Before placing him on the couch, I place a quick kiss on his lips.
"Haha I got you!" I tease lightly.
"Ok fine, you win." he says, somewhat resembling a ten year old.
"What should we do today?" I ask.
We were on our honeymoon in Hawaii and, boy, was it beautiful!
"Make out in the sand." he responds, somehow keeping a straight face.
"That's an option, but they will probably kick us out." I say.
"Make out here?" he suggests.
"Sounds good to me." I reply. I sit on Alexanders right, and he kisses me. He places his hands on my hips, and I place mine on his back. His lips trail from my mouth to my neck. He is taking the lead, and I really enjoy it.
"I love you Alex, I love you." I say breathlessly.
"I love you more." he responds before placing his lips on mine.
(Good old time skip YAY)

"Ok, we should really do something useful now." Alex says after we finish making out.
"We could go out to lunch?" I say.
"Fine by me" he responds. We both get dressed, then leave. We go to a little  snack bar on the beach, and buy hamburgers. We sit and watch the waves roll in. Alex lays his head on my lap and looks at the clouds.
"I see a dinosaur" he says.
"I can kinda see an elephant." I say. I enjoy cloud watching. Alexander moves his head from my lap and snuggles against my chest.
"I love you" he says.
"I love you too, Lexy." I say, proud of my nickname. He places an arm across my waist, and I realize something.
I want to adopt kids.

Authors note:
Hey babs. Hope your all doing alright. Thank you for reading, and I'm so happy that more people are reading my book every day. Thanks again.


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