Chapter Twenty

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John's POV
I look at the clock, and it reads 1:27 am. Alexander isn't home, and it's been like this every night for a week. He comes home smelling like a woman's perfume. I'm scared he's cheating on John. Now is not the time to think about that, but it's all I can think about. The door finally starts to creep forward and Alexander comes in.
"Where have you been? No, don't speak to me. Coming home every night past 1 am and smelling like a woman's perfume? You should be ashamed" I scream, tears beginning to form. Alex begins to talk but I turn on my heel and march into Hunters room. I tell him we're going on a walk, shove some things into a bag and march out of the house.
Alex doesn't chase after me.
I get in the car and turn the key so the engine roars. I pull out of the driveway and into Lafayette and Hercules' driveway. I grab my small bag and Hunter and walk up to the door and knock. A groggy looking Hercules opens the door, then gasps at the tears rushing down my cheeks. He takes Hunter from my arms and leads me to the couch. After putting Hunter in the guest room, he comes out.
"What happened?" Hercules asks, and I tell him everything.
"It started on Tuesday. Alex came home at 12:30, and when I asked where he had been he said it didn't matter and went to sleep. He smelled like a woman's perfume. It went like that until tonight until I finally snapped. I thought he loved me. He married me..." I say between sobs. I bury me face in Herc's shoulder. He places his arms around me and rocks me back and forth.
"Did you hear his side of the story?" Herc asks once I've calmed down.
"Does he even have a side? He's chea-"
"Yes. John, you can stay here for the night to cool off, but you should talk to Alex tomorrow." I feel ashamed because I know he's right.
"Ok. I'm goona go to bed. Give Laf my regards." I say and shuffle to the guest room. I crawl under the covers and hold Hunter close.

I wake up to Herc gently shaking me.
"John, Laf wants to talk to you. Alex is on the phone. He wants you to hear his side of the story." he says, and I get up reluctantly. Lafayette holds out the phone, and I take it.
"John I'm so sorry I wasn't cheating on you I got a part time job at a perfume factory so I could take you on a vacation for our anniversary and I should've told you and I didn't chase you cause Burr came from next door to ask if I was alright and I'm sorry and I love you so so so so so much please don't leave me" Alex sounds horrible. I feel my heart drop, and I feel like an idiot. No, an asshole.
"Alex, I-I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you. I feel like an idiot. I'm coming home. I love you." I push out before sobbing. I end the call and hug both Herc and Laf.
"Thank you guys so much." I whisper.
"Maybe you and Alex might want some...uh...alone time. Do you want us to watch Hunter?" Lafayette offers, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Maybe that would be best. Thank you." I reply and rush out to the car. I drive to my, no, our house and rush inside. Alex greets me with a bear hug, and I pick him up. I smash our lips together, both of us crying.
"I missed you..." I whisper. He strokes my hair, and I kiss him once more. We lay down together on the couch and just hold each other. Alex falls asleep in my arms, and I decide to make him lunch. I grab the bread and cheese to make grilled cheese, Alexanders favorite. I make the sandwiches and gently shake Alexander awake. We sit at the table, and I serve the sandwiches.
"Do you want me to quit? The perfume shop?" he asks.
"What do you want?" I reply.
"I like it there. The people are so nice. There's this one guy George..." and Alex rambles on. I smile to myself, and I tell Alex to keep the job. He smiles and hugs me.
"John, I love you."
"I love you, Alex."

Authors note
Hey guys! Argh I loved writing this chapter. Almost 400 reads?!?! THANK YOU SO FRIKIN MUCH!!!! K I'm tired bye friends


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