Chapter 7

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Johns POV

I stare at Alex, his chocolate brown eyes consume my soul. He wraps his arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss. Laf and Herc got married 3 months ago, 4 months after the engagement. Alex and I have been dating for seven months. After I finally told my dad, he disowned me. Alex stayed, though. We pull away from the kiss, looking each other in the eye.
"I love you, John Laurens" he says sweetly.
"I love you." I reply.
"John?" he asks.
"Yes babe?" I reply.
"I....I'm...I'm gay."
"We've been dating for seven months." I say.
"Oh yeah." God, he's so cute. I kiss his cheek and get up off the couch.
"Babe, I gotta run an errand. I'll be back in about an hour. There's soup in the cabinet, if you get hungry." he says, grabbing his wallet. He pecks my cheek, then makes his way towards the door. I grab the can of Cambell's tomato soup, and heat it up in a saucepan. After eating my soup, I decide to go on a walk. I walk out of my house and onto the sidewalk. I watch the kids swing on the swing set when I sit down at a playground. I see my friend Peggy, and walk over to her.
"John! How are you?" She asks, pushing the child of whom she is babysitting on the swing.
"Great! Alex and I are going great."
"That's awesome. I actually just met a guy. His name is Stephen. We really clicked. Anyways, I'm babysitting for Angelica, she's working." she seemed very excited to see me, because she was talking really fast. We talked for a few more minuets, then I started walking home. When I walk in the door, I notice the lights are off, and there are candles lit everywhere, and they form a circle around Alex. He stands, his hair pulled back. 
"What's this?" I ask after taking in my surroundings.
"I love you." Alex says, not answering my question.
"I love you t-" my words are cut short by Alex getting down on one knee.
"Will you marry me?" he asks.
"Of course I will!!!" I shout. He runs at me and I pick him up in mid kiss. I spin him in the air, and set him on the floor. I feel the happiness rise in my chest, and we break the kiss. He grabs my hand, sliding the ring on my finger.
"Perfect fit." He smiles at his comment, and I admire it, kissing him once more.
"Netflix?" He asks after the kiss ends.
"Sure babe." I make my way to the couch, and Alex snuggles next to me, and places his head on my lap. I play with his hair, and end up braiding it. The movie 'The Lion King' is on in the background, and Alex is singing sleepily along to the songs.
"Hukuna Mayumbu, or, Matata, same thing." he giggles in reaction to me laughing my head off.
"Babe, I love you." I say after my laughing fit.
"Love you more." Alex groggily says.
"Lets go to bed. I'm really tired." I say, somewhat mom-like. Alex groans in return. I watch him attempt at getting up, and it's pretty sad. I stand and pick him up bridal style.
"You're so tiny." I say as I lay him on the bed. I change into my pajamas and crawl under the comforters next to Alex.
That is my fiancé.

Authors note:
Hey guys! I really hope you guys like my story. A few more people have read it, and I was actually really pleased with this chapter. Love you guys.

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