Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

      I wake up and look at one of the most adorable sights I've ever seen. John's hands are holding my back, pulling me closer to him. His forehead is buried in my chest, and his curls were perfectly sprawled about his head. I kiss his head and he groans.
"Sorry, love. I didn't mean to wake you up." I whisper.
"If you could wake me up every day, I'd be the happiest man alive." he responds. I giggle, and he stands up. He grabs my hand and pulls me up.
"Yes John?" I reply. He shuffles his feet uncomfortably.
"Did we know..."do it" last night?" he asks, uncomfortable.
"I don't think so...I remember bits of last night. I do think we kissed though." I say, scared he will be uncomfortable.
"Did you enjoy it?" I'm a little taken aback by his reaction. I answer nevertheless.
"Yes. A lot." I respond.
"I was too drunk to remember. Can I have a little reminder?" he is being flirtatious, and if I'm going to be honest, it kinda turns me on.
"But of course, dearest." and I pull him close to me. We kiss softly, but it's not as hesitant as last night. We fall on the couch and continue making out.

(I'm goona skip the rest of that part, cause it's all awkward)

Johns POV

I reach in my pocket and pull out my ringing phone.
"Hey Laf! What's up?"
"I've got big news. Come over."
"Ok...I'm going to bring Alex. Before you ask, nothing happened." and with that, he hung up.
"Road trip! It's important. Laf needs us. Will you please come?" I beg.
"I'd love to." he replies. 5 minuets we pull into Lafayette cand Hercules' driveway. I rush up to the doorstep and knock.
"Come in!" Herc yells. I push open the door, and Laf is sitting next to Hercules, and they're talking quietly.
"Hi. Can you sit?" Herc asks.
"Is everything all right?" Alex questions.
"We're getting married!" Hercules says, unable to contain his excitement.
"That's awesome! Congrats!" I shout.
"I'm going to go get wine." Alex says.
"Way ahead of you." Lafayette replies, heading to the pantry. He returns a moment later with glasses and the wine. I diligently pour wine into each glass, passing them around.
"John, because everyone is this happy, why not end the mood? I was wondering if you'd be my boyfriend?" Alex asks. I leap onto his lap and kiss him as hard as I can. After 2 minuets of that, I say
"Of course." I say, giggling. I sip my wine, realizing Herc and Laf are kissing.
"Hey! We're here too!" Alex shouts at them.
"You seemed busy." Herc jokes.
"Well, congratulations." I say.
"Who proposed?" Alex asks.
"Me" says Lafayette, and I notice the ring on Herc's finger. I smile, and imagine that I might have that with Alex one day.

Authors note:
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I really wanted to say thanks. I'm so happy a few people have actually read my story. Let me know what you think! Love u guys.

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