Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hey guys. So...this is the last chapter. I will be writing another story soon, but this is it. And I just wanted to say thank you, if you've stuck with me to the end. It hasn't gone unnoticed. Thank you. I love you so much.

Alex's POV
"Alex! Wake up! Come on!" John shouts, shaking my shoulders. His legs are on both my sides, and he's sitting on my lap. He's kneeling over me, so I'm unable to sit up.
"What? It's like, 6:30." I say before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"I knoooowww, but all the shops open at 7. So get dressed!" He says, finally getting off of me. We get dressed, and walk down The Barbican (a famous street) to a small cafe. We walk in hand-in-hand, and sit down.
"How can I help you?" a waitress asks.
"I'll take poached eggs on goat (ok so I know it's supposed to say toast but HELL WITH IT ITS STAYING), with an orange juice, please." I say politely.
"Sure, and for you?" she asks John. He places his order, and then the waitress walks away.
"I miss Hunter." I say.
"I know, me too. But I was thinking of getting him a little birthday present."
"And what is that?" I question.
"A sister."
Three years later
"Papa!" Emily, our daughter calls.
"Yes Emily?" I ask, as she tugs slightly on my sleeve.
"Look what I made in art class!" she exclaims, presenting me with a drawing of a beautiful flower.
"Emily, that's amazing! I love it!" I grab the painting and hang it on the fridge. John walks in with a smile.
"Emily, that's a wonderful drawing you have."
"Thank you, John-Dad." she replies politely. The little five year old goes over to her eight year old brother and shows him the painting.
"Emily, it's beautiful. Good job." Hunter says, earning a smile from his sister.
9 years later
"Dads, we should talk." Hunter says, drawing John and my attention.
"What's up?" I ask.
" at school, someone asked me out. And I said yes." Hunter says, playing at his polo's sleeve.
"Hunter, that's great! Who's the lucky girl?" John asks.
"Uh...yeah, about that...i-it's a he." Hunter replies shyly.
"Hunter, we support whatever decision you make. We love you know matter what. So, when do we get to meet him?" I reply.
"Friday. He said he would take me to get an ice cream at 7." Hunter replies. I hug him close, and so does John. We're so proud of our son.
10 years later
I wipe away a tear, looking at my son, who's about to get married.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Yeah. I'm ready." Hunter replies. He offers his arm, and I take it happily. I admire his gray suit, much like the one I wore the day I married John. Hunter said that I could walk him down the isle and John could be flower girl. Or flower guy. Whatever. I see John at the end of the isle, wearing a pink sundress and slacks. I suppress a giggle when he winks at me. Hunter and I finish the isle, and I take John's hand, standing next to him. We reluctantly watch as someone else takes away our son. But we love him very much, and know that he will take care of Hunter. Gosh, has time flown by.

And that's it. It's over. I love you guys so much. And I will be starting a new story, so check my account in a few days. Its goona be more lams. But thanks. You guys are the best, I couldn't ask for better readers. I love you guys so much. Please don't do anything stupid, i love you too much.


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