Chapter 5

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     I pull into Alex's driveway and beep my horn slightly. He runs out, his cheek flushed. His scarf covers his neck, and he trudged through the snow that lays at his feet. I laugh as he falls face first into the snow his short self was walking through. When he gets up, he is covered from head to toe in snow. He opens the door and I crank up the heat.
"Hey! How are you?"
"A lot better. Thanks." I reply. "How're you?"
"Never been better." he says, smiling. Somehow, I know he isn't kidding.

The more shots we take, the more emotional we become. At one point, the bartender had to shut off the news because a story about an abandoned alpaca came on, and Alex started crying.
"The baby...alpaca..." he chocked out.
"I know... I hic! know..." I comfort. I grab my beer mug and gulp the rest down.
"Ahhhhhh..." I sigh.
"Yuh hu?"
"Kiss me" It's not a question. It's a statement. Like I would say no to this (sorry I had to). He wraps his arms around my neck and I place my hands on his hips. The scent of alcohol lingers on in the air as our lips meet. Despite everyone shouting mean things, we continue. It is passionate, yet soft. We pull apart, and look each other in the eye. We giggle, and I realize the bartender is waving a giving us a thumbs up, and another person does the gun-finger thing. They all are cheering, and I realize they want more. I reach towards his hand and guide it towards the door. We walk out, and I ask
"Do you wanna come to my place? I was thinking we could watch a movie and just hang." I phrase this very carefully. I don't want to be suggestive of anything.
"Sure, but I don't know if I'm ready to take this any further-"
"No! That's not what I wanted to imply. I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"No. That was my bad. Wanna just go?"
"Sure." I say. We walk hand in hand to my house. When we reach the front door, I pull out my keys and unlock the door. After I close it, Alex waits for me.  After I turn, he pulls me into a quick kiss. We go into the living room, and decide on a Netflix movie. I sit next to him and watch as he presses play. I hope he doesn't mind when I snuggle with his shoulder and kiss his cheek. He places an arm on my shoulder farthest from him, pulling me closer. I definitely don't think he minds.

Authors note:
Hey guys! Sorry, I haven't updated in a few days. I really hope you like it! Please leave requests and feedback.


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