Chapter Eleven

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Ok so YIPPIE were doing a time skip to the wedding YAY.

Alex's POV

The day of the wedding. I stare in the mirror at my freshly tailored suit. Before I'm about to walk into the church, I pin a gay flag pin to my shirt.
"Perfect." Lafayette says, looking in through the doorway.
"Ready?" I ask, offering my arm. Laf is to walk me down the isle, because I don't really have a father to do that, do I? I smooth my hair over my hair one last time, then take Lafayettes arm. We walk out of the doorway, and the music starts playing. I inhale deeply, then exhale. This is it, Alex! You're marrying the man of your dreams. You can do it.
"We gather here today to celebrate the joining of John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton."(ok idk how weddings work sorry loves.)
"Now, you may recite your vows, starting with Mr. Laurens." the priest says.
"Alex, when I first saw you, I must admit, it wasn't love at first sight. It took time to fall in love with your eyes, your sense of humor, and everything else about you. I love you. Every day I ask myself how I got so lucky. If I could spend everyday with you for the rest of my life, it wouldn't  be enough time. You help me be the best me I can be. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and thank you."
"Alexander, you may speak." the priest says.
"John, I love you. When I met you, I was a scrawny, depressed kid from the Caribbean. Look at me! I'm at my happiest when I'm around you. I've come so far. So have you, and I'm so proud. I would do anything for you, and you need to know that. I look forward to you being mine." I say, completely ditching the 5 page essay I had.
"Alexander Hamilton, do you take John Laurens, to have and to hold forever?"
"I do."
"Do you, John Laurens, take Alexander Hamilton, to have and to hold, through sickness and health forever?"
"I do."
"You may kiss the groom." the preacher says. And to be honest, there some of the best words I've ever heard. I grab Johns waist, and he places his hands on my back. We pull each other closer, and eventually our lips meet. The kiss lasts only a few moments, or was it several days? When we pull apart, and I look at my husband. And everything is perfect. I grab his hand, and everyone throws rice. I pull him along, and we clamber in the back of the limousine.
"Where to?" the chauffeur asks. We give them the address, and he starts driving. I giggle as I look at John.
"Baby, I love you."
"I love you more." I reply.
"I wish you wouldn't lie to me." John jokes. We pull into the parking lot, and we hold hands as we clamber out of the car. I kiss Johns lips briefly before heading inside.

Authors note:
Ok, so I'm really proud of this chapter. Please tell me how you like it. Thanks guys! Love you.


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