Chapter Eighteen

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Alex's POV
Hunter and I walk into Hunters new bedroom, and we told him we would paint it his favorite color.
"Could we please paint it green, sir, I mean Dad?" Hunter asks.
" 'course. Whatever you want." I respond. The bedroom is rather small, with a twin bed. The walls are white at the moment, and Hunter has unpacked the few things he has, most of them being books. I feel a pit in my stomach begin to form as Hunter sits on the floor with a book. I suddenly remember that John had gone to get 'the best thing in the world', and at that moment I hear a door close.
"Hunter and Alex?" he calls, and we go into the kitchen.
"What's this?" Hunter asks, prodding at the bowl of ice cream in his hands.
"Here. Let me help." says John, and he takes to bowl out of Hunters hands, places it on the counter and picks up Hunter. He places him in the high chair, and starts feeding him. Hunter giggles and claps his hands playfully.
"Is it good?" John asks after both me and Hunter are done.
"Yes, Daddy." Hunter responds.

Authors Note:
Hey guys! Sorry it's so short and that I haven't been updating in a while. I'm just not really ok. It's a long story and you people most likely have lives. Ok, thanks for reading. We also reached the 200 reads mark! Thank you!! K, bye.

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