Chapter Four

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Will you go out with me? The words rung in my head as I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"YES!" I shout and jump into his arms. Laf and Herc enter the room upon me holding Alex against my chest.
"Awwwww....." they say in unison.
"Shut up." I say. "Like you're any better."
"Of course we aren't." Herc says, rubbing his nose against Laf's.
"Awwwww....." This time, it's me and Alex.
" you wanna go get drinks?" Alex asks.
"It's 1:30! How about 8 at Juliettes Bar?" I reply.
"I'd love that. I'm sorry about Eliza..."
"Don't be. That homophobe can go be straight alone." I respond, remembering earlier.
"I have to go, but I'll see you tonight." Alex gives me one more hug before walking out the door. I sigh in relief as the door closes. After a few moments, I walk out the door.
"Guuuuuuyyyyyyssssss......" I joke because Herc and Laf are making out on my couch. They pull apart, both giggling nervously. I laugh as, after a few seconds, Herc shrugs and starts kissing Laf again.
"Get a room!" I joke.
"No problem." jokes Laf.
"NOT REALLY!!!!!" I shout when Herc heads towards the spare room.
"I knew that." he says, retreating from the door. I was just about to text Eliza about Alex, when I remember everything. How could the most horrific day of my life turn into something so fantastic, then back to depressing? Laf had restarted the movie and him and Hercules were watching. I feel the tears begin to form halfway through the movie. Herc notices this and, well, that's when the ice cream comes out. I watch tears fall to the top of my nose and focus on my feet. The movie blurs on in the background. Suddenly, I see Herc and Laf coming to my couch.
"You looked lonely." Says Laf. He and Herc plop down on both sides. I pull my knees up to my chest and push my face in between them. The sobs come out, and I feel extremely childish. After a half hour, the tears begin to thin. Laf and Herc stayed the rest of the day, taking care of me. Making me eat dinner. Before I know it, it's 7:45. I pull on a winter coat and step out the door. Before I get in the car, I wrap Herc and Laf into a hug. Then, I step into the car and pull out my drive way.

Authors note: HEEEEY GUUUYS please leave feedback! I'm also open for date ideas/chapter fluff. Stay safe and happy!


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