Chapter Fourteen

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       Parker/Peggy's POV
I tap my feet to the beat of the song playing at the school play rehearsal. I couldn't believe I was lead in the eighth grade play!
"Girls, stand up, and repeat after me." The teacher said. I almost stood. Parker, what are you doing?!?! You're being an idiot. Stop it RIGHT NOW. I think that to myself, and watch all the girls sing. I reluctantly stand up when she calls the boys. We plow through rehearsal, then Angie comes to pick me up. She's in the tenth grade, so she'll know what to do. I tell her about how I almost stood up, and she says it was just an accident. But over the next few days, I realize how much I hate my body. I can't stand the way I am! I'm starting to question myself. I don't know what to do or say. Finally, I tell all of this to Angie.
"Do you think you're trans?" She asks.
"Yes. I've given it a lot of thought, but I don't want Eliza to know. Please." I beg. I know Eliza wouldn't take it well if I told her.
"Well, ok. Whatever makes you most comfortable." She smiles warmly and adds "I can't really stand men anyways." I smile and laugh.
"You don't like them? That's exactly what I'm talking about!" I feel comfortable making these jokes with Angie. She always knows the right thing to say. She's very supportive. She lets me wear her dresses, but never publicly, I'm just not ready. She paints my nails and does my make up, and makes me feel like I really am a girl. I really am a girl, aren't I?

Authors note:
Hey guys! HUGE shoutout to @PerenellFlamell for the chapter idea. Have a fantasmaglorious day. Week. Month. Year. Heck, have a fantasmaglorious life. Ok I need to sleep I'm really tired if you can't tell XD


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