Chapter Two.

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Chapter Two: Present.

-Four Years Later, The Present-

"It wasn't suicide! It was murder," Shawn said at the fresh crime scene. We stood in the Wilson mansion looking at the dead Mr Chad Wilson. He had his hand to his head and that look on his face that he got when he saw "visions". "Shawn," I whispered as I nudged him. "Shocker," Lassiter said. "Lassie when am I wrong," Shawn said. "Shawn, most the time you get it wrong the first few times and then you solve the case," I said. "But, I do get it right," he said. "Shawn get your as-," Lassie started very angrily. "I got it, I got it," Shawn interrupted. "But you know Las-." "Out! This is my crime scene," Lassie yelled. Jules, Lassie's partner, walked in from just talking to the family. Juliet O'Hara, Jules, became Lassie's partner when Shawn "psychically" figured out the Lassie and his old partner were dating.

Shawn and I walked out of the crime scene. "Where's Gus? We've been doing this for four years and he's never missed one case," I asked. "He's a pharmaceutical salesman. Don't forget," Shawn said. "That's hot," I replied. "Most girls are turned on by that," Shawn joked. I just laughed. We got on Shawn's motorcycle. "When are you getting a car," Shawn asked. "When I buy one," I replied. "Funny," he said as we pulled away from the Wilson's mansion.

We parked in front of the Psych office. "Wanna go out for lunch," Shawn asked. "By ourselves," I asked. "Yeah." "Like a date?" "Maybe," he said in a cute, weird way. "Let's go," I said as we walked towards the boardwalk. We walked along the boardwalk. We laughed, talked, and ate ice cream. We went down to the edge of the beach and walked at the very edge of the water. We both had our shoes in our hands. "Four years of friendship," I said as I looked out at the ocean. "Not counting high school," Shawn said. I just looked at him and laughed. "What," he asked. "Nothing," I said then laughed. "What," he begged. "Nothing," I said again laughing. "Really," he said in a funny voice. He tackled me into the water. "Screw you Shawn," I yelled. I dove in the water and swam a little farther out, enough to be waist deep. Shawn followed me and I splashed him. "So that's how your playing," he said. He jumped at me, splashing everywhere. All of a sudden we were so close. It was a weird moment. A weird feeling even. "Shay," I heard someone yell. It was my sister. Great. We swam back to the beach. "Hey Iz," I said regretting it after. "Hey Shay Bay! Who's this? Your boy toy," she rambled. "He's a friend," I replied after I gave Shawn the look.

We talked with my sister for a bit then left. "She seemed nice," Shawn said as we were walking back to Psych. "Yeah sorta." Older sisters sucked. Our parents always compared us two. We have an older brother too. His name is Eli, he's Izzy's twin brother. Izzy and Eli are older than me by two years. I had a little sister too, Calista. She's fourteen. I'm 28, fourteen years older than Cali. I loved her though, I visited them often. Our dad died before my mom could tell him they were having another baby, as in Cali. My mom was 55. She had Iz and Eli when she was 25. My dad was almost 41 when he died. It was the worst thing to happen to my family. Shawn, though, just got back in touch with his dad. It was good that he got that connection back. It sucks living without a dad.

The next day I was at Psych around eight in the morning. I was looking at cars for sale online. I sat at my desk on my laptop. Gus has been really busy with work lately, so Shawn and I didn't have the blueberry. "Ehhhhhhh," I heard Shawn yell as he walked into the Psych office and sat at his desk. "Car shopping," I replied. "Whaaaa?" "Yes Shawn I'm buying a car," I replied. "Woah, what kind," he asked. "Don't know," I said. Shawn laughed. "Shaylinn, sometimes you scare me," Shawn said. "I was thinking of just going down to the dealership." "I'll take you," he said. "Your that anxious to get me off your motorcycle huh?" "Yes," he said as he stood, grabbed our helmets, grabbed my hand, and pulled me out the door.

At the dealership I picked out a silver, 2013, Mustang. After about an hour of paperwork I had the keys to my very own car. "I'll meet you back at Psych," I said to Shawn. "See you there," he said. I pulled out of the parking lot right in front of Shawn. I wanted to take the scenic route to take a spin in my new car. I was back at Psych in half an hour. I parked and walked in, putting my keys on the key hook by the coat rack. "Shawn," I yelled as I went into the actual office part of Psych. The office was empty. I saw a piece of paper on Shawn's laptop. The note read,"If you call the police, he's dead. I want 10,000 dollars, in cash, and the keys to your Mustang. I need the money by tomorrow. Meet me at the 71 diner on the old highway. Come alone. Leave the money on the seat of the booth in the corner." This note didn't just mean Shawn had been kidnapped. It also meant someone was stalking us and it meant someone wanted my new car.

After a few minutes of pacing around the Psych office wondering what to do Gus ran into the office. "Shawn's motorcycle was found smashed to pieces on the old highway," he said. "I think I know why," I replied as I handed him the note. "We have to tell Lassie," Gus said. "It says no cops Gus!" "Shay, were detectives." "Huh, didn't think that one through," I said. "Let's go," Gus said. "Woahh there Guster. What do you think your doing," I asked as we got out to the cars. "Driving to the crime scene," he said. I twirled my keys around in my fingers. Gus put his keys in his pocket and hopped in the passenger seat of my Mustang. I got in and drove off towards the old highway.

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