Chapter Three.

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Chapter Three: Shawn's Missing.

When I pulled into the crime scene I saw Lassie and Jules. "Lassie," I said as I got out and walked up to him. "Nice car," Jules said. "Thanks," I replied. "I don't want you two here. Even if I can stand you both more than Spencer," Lassie said. "I have something that might help you guys," I said. "Well what is it," Jules asked. I handed the note to Lassie and he read it. "A ransom note," he said. "Let me see it," Shawn's dad, Henry, said. "Henry, you know you can't be working this case," Jules said. The chief pulled into the crime scene. She walked out. "Mr Guster and Ms Bentley, I want you both on this case. I'll be calling in the FBI to help assist with this case. Mr Spencer I can't have you working this case," the chief said. Henry was devastated. Their was no way he was going to sit by and not help with the finding of his son.

Henry and I drove to The 71 Diner. It was ten miles away from the crime scene. "Are you sure the note said this place," Henry asked and I parked in the gravel parking lot. "Yes," I replied. The diner was abandoned. No life was around except for a sign that said "closed" on the window. We got out of my Mustang and went to the door. I opened the door, it was unlocked. We walked inside. "Why would he want ransom money dropped here," I asked. "Why wouldn't he?" "True," I said. "I thought I told you to come alone," a male voice said from behind us. We heard the click of a gun. "Turn around, slowly," the man said. We turned around slowly and saw a gun pointed at us. "Where's my money," he asked. "It's in my car," I replied. "You, get it," he said as he pointed the gun to Henry. Henry went out to my car and used my phone to call Lassie. "What's taking him so long," the masked man said as he turned around and looked. Once he turned around I leg swiped him. He fell to the ground and then his gun went off. I kicked him in his side but soon enough he had me by the ankle and pulled me to the ground. He slammed my head on the ground, so hard, I thought it was going to explode. He grabbed my in a choke hold position and dragged me outside to his truck that was waiting. His gun was pointed at my head. "Follow me and their both dead," he yelled to Henry. I "accidentally" dropped my keys in the gravel so that Henry could get where he needed to go.

I didn't remember much about the drive. My world was spinning. I was pretty positive I had a concussion. I passed out almost immediately after he threw me in the back of his truck. By the time I woke up we were in what looked like an old run down shack in the middle of the woods. I was restrained to a chair and so was Shawn. He was sat right next to me. He had dry blood down his arms, legs, and down the right side of his face. To top it all off, he had a gunshot wound in his right shoulder. "This is great huh? You and me against the world," Shawn said. "Shut up Shawn," I replied as my head was throbbing. "You okay?" "Yeah, are you?" "No your not, but yeah I'm good," he replied. "Shawn you can't be good when you have a gunshot wound," I said. "And you can't be good when you have a concussion," he urged. My back was killing me, I was sure my ankle was broken, I defiantly had a concussion, and I was pretty sure my left wrist was fractured from trying to catch my fall. Shawn, though, had been shot. I wished he could see the severity in that, even if the guy bandaged him up.

When Lassie and Jules got to the diner it was too late. I was now gone, and Shawn was still missing. "Dammit," Lassie yelled. "Calm down Lassiter," Jules said. The chief pulled in, followed by Gus. "What the hell happened," the chief asked Henry. "We came to check the place out and he got her," Henry said. "Which way did he go," Gus asked. "He said if we followed, he would kill them both," Henry said. "Which way detective," the chief asked. "They kept going down the highway," he said as he pointed left. That old highway led to just miles and miles of woods, a ghost town, and a few abandoned buildings here and there. It also led to one more thing, the old shack Shawn and I were held in.

There was nothing they could do. Gus, Lassie, Jules, and Henry went back to the Santa Barbara Police Station. They had no leads. They had to follow protocol and that meant that without a lead they really couldn't do anything. "Look Mr Spencer we can't do anything for Shawn without a lead or another ransom notice," the chief said to Henry back in her office at the police station. "I can't just sit by with my son out there probably dead," Henry said. "Shaylinn it out there too," Gus said. "Mr Guster, thank you," the chief said.

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