Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: Negative.

A little pink line. One solid line. Not a plus. Not pregnant. I threw the pregnancy test in the trashcan in my bathroom. I went out to the living room where Shawn was watching a movie, I didn't tell him I thought I was pregnant. I don't need to now though, right? I plopped down next to him. He was watching my favorite movie, Wreckage. "I love this movie so much! Aaron Paul is gorgeous," I said. "I know, you say that every time. And I always come back with Aaron isn't more gorgeous than I am," Shawn teased. I playfully punched him. "You're just jealous," I replied. "And you also always say that," he joked.

Shawn shook me awake. I watched as the credits for Wreckage rolled down the screen. "Aw man, the end is my favorite part. Aaron looks perfect in all white. Even though he plays a psychotic wackadoodle he's still a babe," I joked. Shawn laughed and then stood up. I looked at my phone and saw 7 missed calls from my sister Izzy. I called her back. "Shay," she answered in tears. "What," I asked. "Eli died," she cried. I felt my heart drop to my stomach, my face get hot, and my eyes well up with tears. "What," I asked in a shaky voice. "He got into a car accident," she cried. Tears fell down my face. Part of the pain was guilt, the other half was sorrow. I hadn't seen my brother in three years. I knew I had to get home.

I heard Shawn flush the toilet. He walked out a couple of minutes later. I laid face down on the couch sobbing. "What's this," he asked in an angry voice. I sat up. I saw he had the negative pregnancy test in his hand. "Shawn-." "No! Shaylinn! Why didn't you tell-......." I listened to him yell about me not telling him. Most of it just flew over my head. I was too focused on other things. "Don't you think I should've-." "Shawn," I interrupted abruptly. "What," he asked, now furious. "My brother died," I said. His face went stone cold. "What," he asked in a comforting voice. "He died in a car accident," I cried. "C'mon, let me get you to your moms," he suggested. I nodded.

In five minutes we were at my moms home. Shawn led me inside. My mom was at the kitchen table with Kacie, Eli's wife. I saw sitting next to Kacie, Eli's young kids, Madison and Grady. Maddie was 8 and Grady was 10. Izzy ran up to me and greeted me in tears. "Hi," she said to Shawn. "I'm so sorry," he consoled. I stood in the archway of the kitchen. "Am I allowed here," I asked. Along with not seeing my brother for three years, it was the same with my mom and all my siblings. Except for when Shawn and I ran into my sister at the beach a couple of months ago. "Shaylinn," my mom asked. She took her reading glasses off and stood up. "Hi momma," I said. She held her arms out and I hugged her.

After a couple of hours the tears were done flowing. Everyone but Grady and Maddie sat at the kitchen table arranging things. In the few hours, I had noticed Shawn on his phone a lot. "Shawn if you have to go to work then go," I said. "I want to but I can't," he replied. "What do you mean," I asked. "It's, it's, nothing Shaylinn," he urged. "Shawn, you only call me Shaylinn when it's serious," I noticed. "Shay-." "Don't try fooling me with that Shay bullshit. What's it about Shawn," I demanded. "It's about your brother," he blurted. My mom, Izzy, Calista, and Katie all looked at us. "What about my brother," Calista asked. "Lassiter thinks it wasn't an accident. They think he was murdered, well-." "Well what," Izzy asked. "They know he was murdered. They found gunshot wounds in his body and on the truck he was driving," Shawn said. My moms hands went to her face. "Who would want to murder my brother," I asked. "The drug cartel," Shawn replied.

We were now in the conference room at the Santa Barbara PD. "What would the drug cartel want with my brother," I asked no one in particular. "Your brother, Eli Bentley, ran meth for Seth Lopez," Lassie said. "No, he wouldn't. Eli had kids," I said. "He ran drugs when he lived in Florida," Jules clarified. We all lived in Florida fourteen years ago. We moved from Miami to Santa Barbara as a family after my dad died, I was only fourteen. "That was fourteen years ago," I stated. "Your brother must've been good at hiding. Or he quit paying what he owed," Gus suggested. "Woody's done with the coroners report," McNab interrupted. Shawn looked at me. "I don't want to see his body," I said. Shawn hugged me. "I'll see you in a bit," he said.

I sat in the conference room waiting for everyone to get back. The chief walked in. "Ms Bentley, can I see you in my office please," she asked. I stood up and followed her to her office. She shut the door behind me. "Take a seat," she commanded ushering to the cushioned seat in front of her desk. I sat down and so did she. "Ms Bentley, I can't have you working this case," she said. "What," I asked defensively. "You have too much personal emotions to this case I can't have you on it," she repeated. "If you hire Psych you hire me," I yelled. "I hired Mr Spencer and Mr Guster as independent informants, not as Psych," she explained. I stood up defensively and ran my hands through my hair. Tears rushed down my face. "It's my damn brother you're investigating," I screamed. "Ms Bentley calm down," she said. "No I won't calm down dammit! That's my brother down there on that cold metal table! He's dead and he needs my fucking help to find his killer!" "Ms Bentley I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Chief Vick said. I have her a dumbfounded look. "I can't believe this," I said to myself.

I stormed out of the chiefs office and past the stairs where everyone was just coming back up from talking with Woody. I stormed outside just as Shawn yelled,"Shay wait!" Shawn ran out behind me. I was on the last step when I stopped, turned, and looked at him. Tears streamed down my face. "I'm going to kill him," I shouted. "Who," Shawn asked. "Whoever killed my brother," I said. I turned, and walked off towards my car.

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