Chapter Eleven

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A/N I deleted the old Chapter Eleven since it was only 3 paragraphs. I added more to it so here it is. It gets funny.

Chapter Eleven: Pulled Over.

All the fathers told us they had to give up their oldest child so that their whole family wouldn't be killed. The catch was that they had to kidnap their kids themselves. They told us the location of the cabin they took their daughters too. We were headed there now. "What do you think we'll find," I asked Shawn as he was driving the blueberry. Gus was sitting in the back. Lassie and some other units had their lights and sirens on ahead of us. "Hopefully three healthy and okay teenage girls," Shawn replied.

We pulled into the gravel driveway of the cabin just outside of Rock Nook Park. Someone in a completely black suit wearing a ski mask ran away. Lassie and the other units ran after the person. Shawn, Jules, and I ran inside the cabin and went to the basement. We found all three girls chained up. They sat on mattresses and had rags in their mouths. We each untied a girl. Each girl was crying. We helped them outside where ambulances just showed up. Each girl went to an ambulance.

The girls moms showed up. Lassie and the other guys came back without the captor. My phone buzzed. A text read,"So you got the girls? I would've killed the families if the dads didn't give them up. I was going to kill them later today. -Yang." "Shawn," I yelled. "What," he asked as he approached me. I handed him my phone. "How did she get my number," I asked. "Lassie! Jules! Chief," Shawn yelled. They all came over and read the text. "Don't block the number we can use this to get Yang," the chief said. Lassie texted something and then sent it. I read what he sent,"We got the girls and their dads. The rest of the families will be in protective custody. What you tried doing didn't work." She texted back,"The families aren't what I want. This was all supposed to happen. Tell Shawn to tell his mom hi for me. Oh wait?" I showed everyone. "She's after your mom," I said. We got in the cars and drove to Shawn's dads. Shawn was calling his dad. "He's not answering," Shawn said. "It's fine. I'm sure she's okay," I said. "She's not okay she's in danger," Shawn yelled. "I understand," I said. Gus was driving, Shawn was to busy freaking out.

We got to Shawn's dad's house too late. His dad was knock unconscious and his mom was gone. Shawn was pacing around the backyard. You could see the beach from Henry's backyard. I went up to him. "Shawn," I said. He stopped pacing and looked at me. "What Shaylinn," he asked. "You never call me Shaylinn," I said. "I'm sorry I just, can't think about us right now." "Woah there I wasn't going to talk about us," I snapped. "You always want to talk about us," he argued. "No I don't. I was just going to come out here to let you know I was going to find your mom and she was going to be okay. If your going to be like that then I don't want to help," I said. "Shay-." "No Shawn. I'm not just someone you can push around. I'm done being your partner. You and Gus can run Psych without me." I started walking away when Shawn asked,"What are you saying." I turned and looked at him. "I'm saying I'm done with Psych Shawn. You can run it without me." I walked through the house and down the street. As I was walking away Lassie yelled,"Shay where are you going?"

After an hour of walking, a million phone calls, and a foot blister, I got to the Psych office and got my Mustang. After sitting in my car and crying for ten minutes, I sped away.

Lassie and Jules were driving back to the police station when someone sped by them. Assuming it was Yang, they turned their lights on and pulled the vehicle over.

I was going ten miles per hour over the speed limit when blue, red, and white lights started flashing behind me. The cop car was dark blue. I pulled onto the side of the road. I didn't see the cops face but he was a tall broad shouldered man. I then saw Jules in my rear view mirror. I laughed to myself. "Do you have any idea how fast you were going," the cop asked. The cop was obviously Lassie. I called Jules. She knew it was me on my car. I put the phone on speaker, she stayed silent and knew I was going to mess with Lassie. I started rambling,"What are you going to do arrest me and tell me I have the right to suck your dick? Tell me your gonna rub your balls on my forehead? And knowing how fast I'm going, isn't that your job?" Jules burst out, on the other line, laughing. Lassie got out to the windows level and saw it was me. "Dammit Bentley," he shouted. I started laughing. Lassie looked back at Jules who was still in the car laughing. "Nice 21 Jump Street references Shaylinn," Jules said in between laughs. "Get out of here Bentley and slow the hell down," Lassie said. He stormed back to his car. I hung up with Jules and pulled away.

A/N Waayyyy better Chapter Eleven huh? I love the 21 Jump Street references. And woah?!?! Shawn and Shay are back to zilch! What's going on with them?

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