Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: Investigation.

Shawn and I spent the rest of the day talking to the family's of the three missing teenage girls. The strange thing is, all the dads had dirt on their fancy black leather shoes. Each family had three other children. Each father also had a good job and the moms were all stay at home moms.

Shawn and I were at the police department. We walked into the chiefs office. "Let me get this straight, you want me to bring in the fathers of each of the girls," the chief asked. "Yes," Shawn replied. "Do you have substantial evidence," she asked. "We just want to ask them some questions," I spoke. "Alright. I'll bring them in," the chief said.

Tami's dad was up first. Shawn and I walked into the interrogation room and sat at the table with him. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about your daughters kidnapping would you," I asked. "Your accusing me of my daughters disappearance," he asked defensively. "Yes," Shawn said. I whispered in his ear,"Are we playing good cop bad cop on this one?" "Yes," he said aloud. Lassiter walked into the room. "Shay," he said. I left the room. We stood by the window watching Shawn interrogate Tami's dad. "Can we charge him," I asked. "Not without substantial evidence," Lassie replied. "You don't know anything," John, Tami's dad yelled. "Here's what I think. You ganged up with the dads of the other missing teens and you kidnapped them all," Shawn yelled. "I did no such thing!" "Where are the girls," Shawn yelled. I walked into the room. "Shawn," I sternly said. He stood and left the room.

I sat in front of John. "Can I get you anything Mr. Summers," I asked. "No thank you," he replied. "I'm sorry about your daughter," I said sympathetically. "Thank you," he spoke. I put my elbows on the table and touched his hand. "I truly am sorry." He had that look in his eyes. I felt the easiness of his muscles in his hand. He didn't tense up when I touched him like most other men would do when a female detective touches them. He avoided eye contact with me. "Mr. Summers, where's your daughter," I asked. "I can't tell you," he said. Lassie came in the room. "John Summers your under arrest for the kidnappings of Tami Summers, Alayna Kane, and Sariah Jones," Lassie said as he cuffed John. Lassie walked out of the room.

Shawn and I used the same method for each father, Franklin Kane, John Summers, and Ian Jones were all arrested for kidnapping their daughters. Lassie, Jules, Gus, Shawn, and I sat in the conference room going over the case. "These guys didn't just get together and kidnap each other's kids. Theirs someone else involved," I blankly stated. "But who," Jules asked. "I want to talk to the dads. I could probably get something out of them," I said.

Once again John and I were in the interrogation room. "Who made you do this," I asked. "If I tell you he'll kill them," he said worried-like. "What's said in here doesn't leave the room," I said. "A man said he'd kill my family if I didn't take my daughter to this place," he cried. He started bawling. He understood there was no way he was going to see his family again. He was going away for a long time.

I walked out of the interrogation room and into the conference room. "We checked out what Mr. Summers said with the other fathers. It's true. His story checks out," Lassie said. This case wasn't going to be as complicated as I thought.

A/N what do you guys think? I love that Shawn and Shay played good cop bad cop. I loved writing this because I study human behavior. Just look at someone for a long time and you can get a reading off them. My favorite thing is watching kids in my class read or have to answer a question. They start tapping their feet or they cross/uncross their legs or they mess with nails, hair, pencil, ex. It's funny watching people. Not that I'm a stalker or anything. Criminal Justice is an amazing field. My talent right now will help me into that. Acting is my main priority. What do you wanna be when you graduate?

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