Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen: Just A Dream.

Two days had passed. Today was my brothers funeral. Neither I not the police have made any progress on Eli's case. I just wanted to find the person and kill them.

I woke up with Shawn by my side. I shook him awake. "We should start getting ready," I suggested. "You go take a shower and I'll make some breakfast," Shawn said. He kissed me lightly telling me everything was going to be okay. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. After my shower I blow dried and curled my hair. I put on mascara, eye liner, and smokey eye shadow. I doused my hair in hair spray and then went to my closet. Yesterday I bough a dress. The dress was a strapless, short, dress, with floral corset bodice, and tendril skirt. I put the dress on and then slipped on my black heels.

I walked out of the closet and saw Shawn in his black and grey suit. I straightened his tie for him and then grabbed my black clutch. "Let's go celebrate my brothers life," I said. Shawn kissed me. "Let's go," he replied.

When we got to the Santa Barbara funeral home sad music was playing and tears were flowing. I went to my mom and hugged her. "Thanks for coming Shaylinn," she said. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," I replied. "Shay," Izzy greeted sadly. I hugged her. She was bawling already. "It's okay," I consoled. "How are you going to stay together when you have to sing," Iz asked. "I'm going to think about how I hadn't seen my brother in three years. I'm gonna tell myself I don't know him," I replied. "But you really did," Iz pointed out. "I know," I replied wiping away the tears.

Everyone sat down and the pastor started speaking,"Today is not the day to mourn Eli Bentley's life. Today is the day we celebrate his life. I understand his sister wanted to speak." I stood up and walked to the podium. I looked out at all the friends and family that came to Eli's funeral. "Fourteen years ago my brother made some bad decisions. Those choices are what killed him. By now you all heard Eli was killed in cold blood." I laughed. "I'm sorry that was a police term," I said. The crowd let out a laugh and some a sigh of relief. "Eli leaves behind him a beautiful wife and two amazing children. Although he was young, he accomplished a lot. I mean, he was only 16 when he started running stuff for the drug cartel. How many druggies hire a 16 year old white boy to run drugs?" The crowd laughed again. "Now I know what I'm joking about is what killed him, but why not joke about it. He made a dumb choice. Now we're gonna laugh about it. I actually am not allowed to work Eli's murder investigation, well legally." The crowd laughed again. "I will let you know that I, Shaylinn Bentley, will not rest until my brothers murderer is behind bars, or six feet under," I preached. The crowd applauded. I actually saw some smiles. "I guess I have to sing now," I joked. The crowd laughed again.

I walked down to the floor and sat on a stool and picked up my guitar. "I'm gonna be singing Drink A Beer by Luke Bryan because believe it or not, when my brother turned 21 and I was still 18 we went to our private pier all the time and drank some beer. This ones for you Eli," I said.

"When I got the news today

I didn't know what to say.

So I just hung up the phone. I took a walk to clear my head,

This is where the walking led.

Can't believe you're really gone. Don't feel like going home. So I'm gonna sit right here, on the edge of this pier, watch the sunset disappear, and drink a beer."

By the time I was done singing I had brought everyone to tears. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make y'all cry," I said. Some people laughed. I gave the mic to the priest and he continued with the ceremony. I sat next to Shawn. "That was beautiful," he said. "Thanks baby," I replied laying my head on his shoulder.

We were now at the cemetery. Eli's casket was put over his grave. Everyone went up to touch his coffin and take one of the flowers in his bouquet. I just stood there crying. How could I say goodbye when I never was able to even say hello? Shawn went up to his coffin and grabbed me a peacock feather out of the bouquet. He handed it to me and I hugged him. Instantly in his arms I started crying. I wanted to go home and solve this case.

Lassiter and Jules showed up. "We wanted to share our condolences," Jules said. I hugged her. "Thank you," I replied shaking Lassiter's hand. My mom approached us. "You're the ones working his case," she asked. "We are," Jules replied. "Get Shaylinn on the case and then find the man that killed my son," she commanded and then walked away. "I don't want on the case," I assured them. "Why," Lassie asked. "I don't have to follow the rules while I'm chasing the son of a bitch," I said. Shawn laughed.

We still stood talking with Lassie and Jules. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man, dressed in black, hiding behind a tree. "Don't look, but I think Eli's murderer is here," I said. "Where," Lassie asked. "Ten o'clock," I replied. I carefully slipped off my heels. "Shay don't you dare," Shawn said. "My feet hurt I'm going to put my shoes in my car," I shouted. Everyone looked at me as I went to my car to put my shoes away. I grabbed my pocket knife out of the glove box and snuck up on the opposite side of the tree. The strange man didn't see me coming. I put him in a choke hold and pressed the knife against his neck. "Lassie," I screamed. "Who are you and who do you work for," Lassie asked with his gun pointed at the kid. "I'm Collin Worthy. I'm the one who killed the man. Don't shoot! It's not me. It's all bigger than I am," he cried.

I pressed my knife into his neck and slipped some blood. "Shay put the knife down," Lassie yelled. I threw the knife into the grass. I then punched the kid in the face and let him fall to the ground. I tackled him and started punching and hitting him. "Shay," Shawn yelled. All three of them started trying to pull me off the kid. I was screaming at them to let me kill him. "Let me go," I screamed. Shawn was able to pull me off and drag me back to the ceremony. Everyone was staring. "What? I said I wouldn't rest until he was behind bars or dead," I yelled to the crowd. They all applauded me.

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