Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen: After The Perp.

I woke up in Shawn's arms. "Good morning Mrs Spencer," Shawn said groggily. "You know what's really sad," I asked. "What," Shawn asked. "I really like my name. I mean, Shaylinn Bentley. It's so gorgeous I think I'm going to have to break off the engagement," I teased. Shawn kissed me. Shawn looked at his phone. "Shit," he shouted jumping up. "What," I asked. "We're supposed to be at the SBPD in ten minutes," Shawn said. I jumped out of bed and too the bathroom. "What are you doing," Shawn asked frantically putting pants on. "By the time you have your zipper up I can have my hair washed and put some moose in it," I yelled. Shawn laughed. "You know you can just meet me there right," he asked. "Well, no I just realized that," I replied. Shawn kissed my head. "You really should wash your hair though. It's greasy as fuck," Shawn joked as he left. "Screw you," I yelled.

After I washed my hair I dried it and straightened it. I was already late. Why not be more late? I laughed at that thought as I slipped on a pair of white jean shorts. I put on a pink Victoria's Secret tank top with "Pink" in silver sparkly lettering and then a silver bandeau bra. I dug through my closet and found a pink pair of converses. Today I wasn't working for the SBPD, I was working solo, maybe even undercover.

I met Shawn at the SBPD. Lassie, the chief, Jules, Shawn, and Gus were in the middle of the briefing. "So glad you could make it," the chief said obviously frustrated. "Sorry, I thought I was off the case," I replied. "You're back on it," Lassie said throwing me a copy of the case file. I read over the file. "I'm going undercover," I asked. "Both you and O'hara will be going under cover," the chief said. "Jules will be playing one of Gomez' girls he takes with him everywhere. Shay, you'll be playing the drug dealer," Shawn said. "Sweet," I said overly excited. Shawn gave me the look. Even though he was supposed to be the psychic one, I knew exactly what he was thinking, "do we tell them you're pregnant?" "Our man that you beat up got you both on the inside. Our first operation is set for tonight. Shay, this will be your meeting with Gomez. Jules will have a wire to get everything that's going on," Lassie explained.

After the briefing Shawn and I were alone in the briefing room. "We can't tell them," I said. "Well I can't just let you go undercover and possibly kill one or both of you," Shawn argued. "Shawn, after this case is done we can tell them. This is my first time undercover. I don't want it ruined just because of a baby," I said. "What baby," Jules asked as she walked into the room. "Uh hmmm ahhh, I'm babysitting my brothers kids' tonight so I'll have to cancel those plans so I can work," I lied. I gave an awkward laugh and then walked out of the room. "That was totally a lie," Jules said to Shawn after I left. "You can't say anything, but Shay is pregnant," Shawn said. "What," Jules exclaimed. "Shh! She doesn't want people knowing yet," Shawn whisper shouted. "She can't be doing something this dangerous if she's pregnant," Jules whisper shouted. "Maybe try talking to her," Shawn suggested. "I will," Jules replied.

I was in the women's bathrooms when Jules walked in. "How far along," she asked. "Shawn," I asked. She nodded. "Almost two months," I replied. "Shay, this case is too dangerous for you," she said. "I need to do this. I have to solve this case Jules. My brother would want me too," I somewhat shouted. "Not if you were pregnant," she argued. "I'm fine and I'll be fine," I assured her. She gave me an "I'm sorry" look. "I'll see you tonight," I said as I walked out of the bathrooms.

It was eight o'clock when I walked into the strip club Gomez did his business at. I had a sample of crystal meth, from the evidence lab, in my pocket. I was led to a private room, in the back, where Gomez was waiting. I saw Jules sitting on his lap in what looked to be a stripper outfit. "You must be Beth Kinney," Gomez asked as I was led into the room by his bodyguards. "That I am," I said. "Frisk her," Gomez demanded. I spread my legs apart and held my arms out. One bodyguard frisked me while the other watched. Gomez nodded to me. I pulled up my shirt and showed him I wasn't a cop or wearing a wire. Little did I know, you start showing when you're two months pregnant. Gomez had a look on his face I couldn't register. "Show me your product," he demanded. I tossed him the meth in my pocket. He took out a piece, crushed it, and then snuffed it. "That's good stuff. How's you make it," he asked. "I don't talk about my moneymaking unless I have a deal," I said. "Well you see," Gomez started as he stood and approached me. "I don't like people who lie to me," he finished. He walked around me in a circle. "I'm not lying. This is my product, as pure as it gets," I said. He pulled a knife out and held it to my neck. "Again with the lying," he said calmly. Gomez nodded to his men. They took the girls in the room out, including Jules. It was just him and I.

I sat on the couch as Gomez walked around the room still talking. "You see how I know you're lying," he asked. I didn't answer. "This product was introduced to me last month by a dumb street kid who got arrested. I almost got arrested as well. So, the only way you could've gotten this product is if you were a cop," he said. "I'm not anywhere near a cop," I replied. "Stop lying," he yelled making me jump. He started coming towards me in a weird way. "I didn't want to do this but it looks like I'll have too," he said. He sat next to me and lifted my tank top. He pressed the knife to my stomach. I shuttered at the touch of the sharp blade on my stomach. "Who are you," he asked. Without taking my eyes from the blade I replied,"My name is Shaylinn Bentley. I work as a private detective." "Bentley," he asked. "Eli's sister," I said in anger. In a swift motion I grabbed the knife and stabbed it into his leg. He yelled in pain. I slammed his head through the glass table. "Why'd you have my brother killed," I asked in anger. "It was me! It was Lopez. He's the one who hired Bentley! That damn kid got Lopez killed. He was our leader our boss. We had to go after the kid once we found out it was him," he replied in anger. I twisted the knife in his leg.

Lassie and Jules came into the room. Lassie cuffed the crippled Gomez. "You okay," she asked. "I'm fine," I replied. She led me out of the room and through the now empty club. When we got outside Shawn was waiting for me. "The mic was left in the room. We heard everything," he said. "Nice job team, but the case isn't over. Shaylinn will still be undercover at an attempt to take down all of Gomez' men," the chief said.

A/N I haven't proof read. I'm really tired. Sorry it took so long to post. Writers block ya know?

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