Chapter Twenty Three Conclusion

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Chapter Twenty Three: Conclusion/The Final Case.

((Major Time Jump))

It was now five years after Psych had started, four years since Shawn and I patched things up, and three years since Shawn and I got married. I was on my final case, though, no one knew it was my final case. Shawn and I were getting ready for Lassie's wedding, and it was just a normal day and so well, here's the story.

"Shawn? Where the hell are my red heels," I yelled from our bedroom. "In closet," Shawn yelled from the kitchen as he was getting Rowan some early snack foods. Shawn and I were on our way to Lassie and his long term fiancé, Marlowe's wedding. I found my red heels in my closet as the doorbell rang. I slipped on my right shoe as I answered the door, it was the sitter. She was a sixteen year old honor student from the local Christian Private School. She's one of Lassie's friend's kid. "Hi you must be Amy," I greeted. She shook my hand. "Hi," she greeted shyly. I led her to the kitchen as I put in my earrings. "Shawn this is Amy the sitter," I introduced. "You're the psychic," Amy noticed. Shawn laughed. He was about to say something when I cut in, saving myself from any embarrassing thing Shawn would say. "Amy that's Rowan, I left you a list of everything you'll need to know, and you have my number. Shawn, we're late," I said. I grabbed his hand, and we left.

At the wedding reception Shawn and I had some drinks and we danced with the gang. It was a fun time, until Lassie got a call on his cell phone. Shawn and I didn't pay attention to it, until he approached us with a blank look on his face, and the color drained. I stood up. "What's wrong," I asked. "Have you checked your phone lately," Lassie asked. "No," I replied, concerned. "Amy, your babysitter, she's been killed. They can't find Rowan," Lassie said.

The next hour was spent crying, and freaking out. No one could find my child. But that wasn't even the worst part! A sixteen year old girl was watching my child and she was killed protecting Rowan's life. I met her parents outside my home. "I am so sorry," I cried. They kept sobbing, unable to get words out. Amy had so much in her life to look forward to. She could've gone anywhere she wanted, but someone wanted me dead, and it was just the wrong place at the wrong time.

A day had went by, still nothing, then another, and another, eventually, a week had gone by. My four year old daughter was gone. Everyday we'd be out looking. The truth was, I didn't have anyone against me, except for all the people I had thrown in jail the past five years. This was the worst feeling in the world. My daughter, my only child, she was missing. It pained me to not know if she was okay. That was until we got the ransom. Three million dollars and I could have Rowan back.

The next day I stood outside an abandoned warehouse with a duffle bag of 3 million fake dollars. The team was five miles down the road in swat vans and police cars waiting for me to say the signal. I was wired up, ready to face the man who held my child captive.

Someone was shouting me commands as I walked into the warehouse. "Put the money down! And step back with your hands up! Get on your knees, and pray I don't shoot you," the person screamed. They climbed down a ladder and stood in front of me. The man wore all black, and he had a ski mask on. He pulled the mask over his head. I had no idea who they were. "I don't know you," I said. "No, but I know you, Shaylinn Spencer," he replied. "Where's my daughter," I asked. "She's here somewhere," he replied. I threw him the bag. "3 million, now give me my child," I screamed. He knelt down and scanned the money. Then he pulled out a blue dye and put one drop on one of the dollars. The drop didn't absorb into the paper. The man got angry. He pulled out a gun and approached me. "It's fucking fake," he screamed. I held up my hands. "It wasn't my choice. The cops gave me the cash and said go," I replied. "Shut up! I know you're a fucking cop," the man screamed back. "Give me my daughter," I yelled. "Find her yourself," he replied, pulling the trigger.

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