Chapter Eight.

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Chapter Eight: Again.

"Why are you continuously doing this," I asked. "I need you so Shawn plays my game," she said. "Why does it matter? Get other girls!" "I can't have another girl. I need you." I stared out the window. We were still in Santa Barbara. We had stopped at a stop light. I made a swift move. I unlocked the car and then tuck-and-rolled out of the car. I started running. I heard shots fired from behind me. She was shooting at me! I tripped and fell. Yang caught up to me. I rolled onto my back. I looked right up at a gun and a masked face. "Shawn and I aren't even together! He doesn't care if I get hurt!" She lower the gun a bit. After a minute she raised it back at me. "Then I don't need you anymore," she said. Then, once again, I heard a gunshot.

I felt blood oozing out of my right shoulder. I didn't feel pain. I was in shock. A strange man was leaning over me. "Can you hear me," he yelled. I looked from side to side. I laid on a sidewalk. People surrounded me. I could hear faint police sirens. "Call, the, a, Santa Barbara, a, um, police, department," I said. "The police are on their way," he said. "Tell them, tell them I'm Shaylinn, uh, Bentley," I said. "Their on their way," he said again. The pain started coming to me. This was the second time I've been shot.

After a few more agonizing minutes some paramedics were over me. They shined lights into my eyes. "She's in shock," on said. "No shit," I said. "She's responsive," the other yelled. They put me on a gurney and started pushing me to an ambulance. As they put me in the ambulance I saw Lassie, Jules, Shawn, and Gus pull up. They all stared at me. Some other cops wouldn't let them through. Shawn was really angry because of this. Before the doors were shut I saw Shawn punch a cop that was holding him back.

I woke up in a hospital bed. No one was in my room. I continuously pushed my pager button until a nurse ran in. "How are you feeling," she asked as she approached me. She put her fingers to my wrist, trying to get my pulse. "I've been better," I said. "You have four friends waiting to see you," she said as she took my blood pressure. "Send them in," I told her. She left the room after she wrote some things down on a clipboard at the end of my bed.

A few minutes passed. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I yelled. Shawn, Gus, Jules, and Lassie came in. "Oh my god are you okay," Jules asked as she rushed to my side. Lassie sat on my other side. Shawn and Gus stood at the end of my bed. "I'm fine. I've been shot before," I assured her. "We were so worried," Gus said. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to get some things," I said. "Like what? Where were you going," Lassie asked. "It doesn't matter anymore," I said as I shot a look at Shawn. "Okay but what happened," Jules asked. "I was walking and I was jumped. Yang kidnapped me, again. I swiftly unlocked the car. I tuck-and-rolled out of it. I was running and I tripped. She was over me and then shot me when," I started. "When what," Gus asked. "It doesn't matter," I said. "It does," Shawn said knowing what I was about to say. "When I told her Shawn and I broke up," I said sharply.

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