Chapter Four.

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Chapter Four: Recovery, and Back On The Job.

Within a four month period I had stopped using a cane and a sling. My wrist was still in a brace but I didn't have a boot on anymore. My gunshot wound was almost completely gone, and obviously, by now, my concussion was gone too.

I sat in the Psych office waiting for Shawn to get here with my breakfast. We hadn't had a case for a few days. It was quiet. Shawn walked in with a McDonald's bag. "Thanks Shawn," I said as he handed me my biscuits, gravy, and orange juice. "Anything for you," he said. Gus came in behind him holding his own bag of food. Gus and Shawn both sat at their desks.

After I finished eating, my phone started ringing, it was Jules. "Hey Jules," I answered. "You, Shawn, and Gus need to get down here, now," she said kind of weird like. "On our way," I replied. Shawn and I stood up. Gus stayed sitting. "Gus, we gotta go," Shawn said. "Shawn I can't go," Gus said. "Why," I asked. "My boss said if I continue to work here I can consider myself fired," Gus said. "What? He can't do that," I yelled. "He can and he will. Shawn I can't work at Psych anymore," Gus said as he grabbed his keys to the blueberry and stormed out. "Shawn," I said. "Don't, it's fine," he said. Shawn walked out of the Psych office. I heard him start up his motorcycle and leave. I was alone in the Psych office. I grabbed my keys and went out to my car.

When I got to the police station everyone was being briefed. "A package was recently dropped off in my office with a note inside and a "puzzle" that we have to solve. The first puzzle says, "you have limited time to find her, you find her, you find your next clue. Your puzzle is, like biscuits and gravy you go together perfectly, if only you would see it. Don't get to close now." We need to find whoever "she" is before it's too late. We call our target Mr Yang. We've dealt with him in the past, and all the cases have ended in tragedy. Mr Yang has requested Mr Shawn Spencer as lead detective for his game. Shawn, it's in your hands," the chief said.

"Shawn," I said as as I met up with him in the hallway. "Oh, hi," he said. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, it's just, Gus has been telling me about him being threatened to be fired for a month now," he said. "Shay, Shawn," Lassie called. We went into the conference room he was in. "Where's Jules," I asked. "I don't know. We've been calling her all morning and she hadn't picked up," Lassie said. "She's the one who called me to tell me to come to the station," I said. "How long ago?" "About an hour," I replied. "She's the one the riddle was talking about," Shawn said. "That means she's the one that's going to die in an hour," Lassie said. We just looked around shocked.

We were brainstorming ideas. I whispered in Shawn's ear, "I had biscuits and gravy for breakfast from McDonald's." "The McDonald's sits above the city. Behind it is the cliff that over looks the city," he replied. "That's what Yang meant by don't get too close," I said. Shawn did his psychic hand gesture thing.

When we got to McDonald's we searched everywhere on the property. "Dead end," I asked as we all grouped up by the cars. "Yes," Lassie answered. Shawn and I were the only two left at the McDonald's. "Don't get to close," I remembered what the note said at the end. "Shawn," I yelled. I got it. The note meant don't get to close to the cliff. I ran towards the cliff. "Shay," Shawn yelled as he ran after me. I got to the cliff and sure enough, Jules was tied up, hanging off the cliff. She had ropes around her that held her up. Her wrists and ankles were tied together. "Jules," I yelled. "Shawn! Get Lassie back here," I screamed. Shawn ran back to the car. Jules was knocked out, I assumed chloroform. I laid down on the grass and tried pulling her up. I took duck tape off her mouth.

Their was no way I was pulling her up. I had to push her up and over the ledge. I climbed down over the cliff. I used Jules as a support so I wouldn't fall. It was a few thousand feet to the highway below. I pushed with all my might. I then heard,"Sha-." And then a thud to the ground. Next I saw the worst thing. Mr Yang was right above me. "Nice try. You think I would make this that easy? Good luck." I couldn't make out the voice, whether Yang was male or female. Then I saw Yang pointing a gun at my head. "You don't wanna do that," I yelled. "Why don't I," Yang asked. "Because, uh." "That's what I thought," Yang said as he loaded his gun. "Wait," I screamed. "You want Shawn to play your little game? How is he supposed to play and focus at the same time when his girlfriend is lost, dying, or dead," I yelled. "It's all apart of the game," he said. He pointed the gun at me once again, and fired.

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