Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve: I'm Sorry.

I laid in bed. I was just thinking about Shawn. A few minutes passed and someone opened my door. I instantly recognized the persons voice. It was Shawn. "Shay," he yelled. I rolled onto my left side. He walked into my bedroom and saw my back facing him. "I know you're not asleep," he said. I sat up. He sat at the end of my bed. "Did you find your mom," I asked. "No, Jules told me to go home. I lost my apartment and my dads house is a crime scene." He was obviously stating he needed a place to stay. "You can stay with me," I said sympathetically. "Look Shay, I'm sorry," he said. Tears rolled down his face. I crawled and wrapped my arms around his waist. I sat on my feet but had my knees next to his hips. "I know you are. I am too," I said. I looked at me. I kissed him.

I laid on my left side. Shawn's body laid perfectly against mine and his arm wrapped around me. "I love you," he whispered. I turned onto my right side and looked at him. "I love you too," I said. He pulled my body to his and kissed me very passionately. It became heated. He rolled on top of me. I giggled. Shawn laughed with joy. In the four years we dated, this was our first makeup sex. Let's be honest, it was our first time in general.

I woke up in the morning to banging at my front door. I took a blanket from my bed and wrapped it around me. I walked to the front door. Lassie was there. I screamed and shut the door. I opened the door and fell to the ground laughing. Lassie chuckled a bit. "Tell Shawn to get to the station ASAP. It has nothing to do with his mom we could just use his help," Lassie said laughing. Lassie was about to leave when he said,"You two kids have fun." He shut the door and left.

Shawn came out with a blanket around him. I pointed at the door still laughing. "Lassie," I said. Shawn laughed. I laid on the ground still laughing, more than I should've been. Shawn laid next to me and started tickling me. I kept laughing. His blanket fell off from his waist, he was so embarrassed. I just laughing. He laid on top of me and kissed me. "It's not funny," he said in between kisses. I unwrapped the blanket from around me and wrapped it around the two of us. Shawn lifted me up and carried me back to the bedroom. The blanket fell off us halfway through the hallway. He plopped us down on the bed and we reenacted last night.

After Shawn and I both cleaned up, it was three o'clock pm. Shawn came out of my bedroom wearing a new outfit. "Was that in my closet," I asked. "Yes," he replied. He came up to me, I was sitting on the couch. He kissed me. "I should probably go to work," he suggested. "Lassie said they needed you but it wasn't about your mom," I said. "Okay thank you Shay," he replied. We kissed again and then he left. I didn't go with him, I needed a day off.

A/N I know it's short but I'll update again this weekend. Isn't this adorable?!?! They finally hooked up, twice, and they're basically back together I mean really. How friggin adorable! What do you guys think about their reconciliation? <--Ooh big word! Ps I'm watching Psych as I write this lol! :)

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