Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen: All Is Forgiven.

Shawn called me around eight o'clock. He was very upset and talked very frantically. "Shay we know where my mom is but your the closest. Get to the drive in movie theater!" "Okay Shawn I'll be there in two minutes," I replied. I hung up and ran outside to my car.

After I parked, I looked around to see if I saw Yang. I saw her get out of an old Tahoe. "Shaylinn, over here," she yelled. I walked up to the truck and got in. "Where's Shawn," she asked. "On his way," I replied. "Well he'd better get here soon because I'm about to detonate his girlfriend and his mother." She ushered to her left. I saw Shawn's mother holding a popcorn bucket with a red light flashing in it. "Yang you don't have to do this," I said. "Yes I do. It's the only way for Shawn to know I love him," she replied. I saw the cops and the swat team pull in. The swat team went around the cars with guns pointed at Yang. "Let me tell them about the bomb," I suggested. "Alright," she said. I could see Shawn to my right next to a swat agent. "She has a bomb. Move everyone back. I don't think she wants to hurt anyone," I yelled. Shawn nodded and moved everyone back. But he stayed there.

"Shawn get out of here," I yelled. "No no! Shawn has to come in here," Yang yelled. Shawn heard what she had said. He got into the truck with me. "Yang you have me now. Let Shay and my mom go," Shawn said. "Shay can go but your mom doesn't leave," she said.

After I left the truck I went up to Lassie and Jules. "Shawn's mom has a bomb. Yang has the detonator," I said. We watched as Shawn started talking down Yang.

After ten minutes Shawn got out of the truck and got his mom out of the other truck. The swat team moved in. Henry ran up to his ex wife. They hugged. Shawn walked up to me with both of them. "Mom this is Shaylinn, my-." "Girlfriend," I interrupted. Shawn put his arm around me. His mom and I shook hands. "You are such a pretty girl Shaylinn," she said. "Thank you," I replied. I snuggled up to Shawn. "I love you," he whispered. I looked into his eyes and said, "I love you too."

Everything got handled at the drive in. Shawn and I went home. We walked inside, hand in hand. We released our hands and I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a box of Fruit Loops and milk. I put them on the island and then got two bowls and spoons. I set the bowls where Shawn was now sitting. I went to the fridge and got out fresh cut pineapple. I set it in front of Shawn and then he said,"Wow you know me so much!" I laughed and then sat next to him. "Do you want to move in," I asked. He looked at me and I looked back. "Are you serious," he asked. "Very," I replied.

A couple of weeks went by without a substantial case. We've went to a bank robbery, an attempted suicidal man, and a group of guys trying to steal an armored truck. Shawn and I became closer than ever. He moved in to my house. We were madly in love.

We had a day off today. Shawn and I were outside walking on the beach. We had a blanket and a picnic basket. I laid the blanket out and we laid on it and started eating peanut butter, ham, and pineapple sandwiches. They were our favorite. After we finished eating the sandwiches, Shawn opened up a jar of pickles. I loved pickles. But today they just smelled awful. "They smell amazing," Shawn said as he ate one. "They smell horrible," I said. I plugged my nose and tried ignoring my churning stomach. "Are you okay Shay," he asked. "Yeah those pickles just smell bad," I replied. "You love pickles," Shawn said confused. "Not those ones," I said shaking my head like a kid. I was thinking of reasons why they made me feel so sick. Maybe it was the brand? Maybe it was a bad batch? There was only one reason that made sense. That was the only thing I hoped not to be true.

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