Chapter Twenty

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A/N I know I'm horrible... Almost two months without an update! Hope this one lives up to it!

Chapter Twenty: Rowan.

My due date was tomorrow. Three months ago, Grace Young was taken from the park, partially by me. When the cops showed up at her dads house, her father and Grace were inside, he had a gun to her head. The chief wanted me there to talk down her father. After almost an hour, we both have had enough. I told Grace to just come with me. When she was almost in my arms, he shot her and then himself. Grace died in the ambulance on the was to the hospital. Heidi had just gotten out of surgery when I went up to her room to tell her the news. Right when I walked in, she was awake and reading a book. "Hello Shaylinn," she said. "Hi Heidi," I greeted. She noticed the expression on my face, and broke down crying. 2 1/2 weeks later, when she got home from recovery, she was all alone, she killed herself. I haven't eaten or slept right since. That was the hardest case, I've ever had.

I laid in bed with Shawn sat next to me. He handed me a glass of water, I put it on the bedside table. "Shay you have to drink. Rowan could be here any minute," Shawn said. "She'll be fine," I replied rolling onto my side. "I'll make you some mashed potatoes, those are easy to eat," Shawn said as he left the room.

Around 12 that night, I went into labor. Rowan was born the next morning at 10 o'clock exactly. The nurses folded her into a blanket and handed her to me. "She's so beautiful," I said to Shawn who was standing next to me. "She looks like you," Shawn noticed. "I'd hope she didn't look like you," I joked. My mom was by my side as well. "Hi Rowan," I said, now crying. "Hi Ro," Shawn greeted. My mom touched my shoulder in support and admiration. "You want to hold her," I asked Shawn. He nodded and I handed her to him. "Shawn, we should let Shaylinn get some sleep," my mom suggested. Shawn kissed my hand, my mom hugged me, and they left, Shawn left Ro next to me. The nurses took her for some cleaning up and check ups, then I fell asleep. I'm a mom.

The next day I was able to take Rowan home. Shawn, my mom, and my sisters were able to make up Ro's nursery secretly in the guest bedroom. Shawn led me inside our home and led me down the hall. A sign on the door read, Rowan's Room. He opened the door, I was overwhelmed by purple and black zebra print. Everything was beautiful. You could see the ocean out of the window above her crib. I walked over to her crib and laid her in it. Shawn and I stepped over to our bedroom and plopped down onto the bed. "Welcome to parenthood," I said. Shawn laughed. Then the mood got serious. "What are we going to do about work," Shawn asked. "I'll stay home with her until she's like six months. Then she can go to a sitters while we're working," I replied. "Don't you think she's going to need you more than that," Shawn asked. "What about you? What about the rest of her life? I can't be there forever Shawn," I somewhat yelled. "Calm down," he suggested. "No Shawn, we should've had this discussion before she was born," I somewhat yelled again. "So what? You could back out," Shawn asked. "On what? On Ro? On you," I asked. "Yeah," Shawn replied. "Nice," I shouted. I left the bedroom and went outside to the porch and started to swing on the porch swing.

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