Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen: End of The Case, Start of a New.

In another month, Eli's case came to a close. The cartel was taken down, of course, with Shawn's help, and him almost dying. When can Shawn go a case without almost dying? Today I was going to share the news with my mom.

I woke up at eleven. My mom expected me at her house at twelve. I put on yoga pants and a long sleeved Victoria's Secret shirt. I threw my hair into a messy bun. Shawn had left for a day out with his dad. I grabbed my purse and my keys then went outside to my Mustang. I started my car and then heard something move in the backseat. I didn't even look to see what moved when I heard the click of a gun. "I don't have any money," I said. "I don't want money," a mans voice replied. "What do you want, I don't have anything," I asked. "Just drive," he shouted.

The mystery man in the backseat made me drive him to a park. There were a lot of kids running around with their nanny's or parents socializing with others. "What do you want," I asked. "I want this little girl," he replied handing me a picture. I took he picture and then saw the kid swinging with some other children. "Why," I asked. "I just do okay," he yelled. I noticed the little girls blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she wasn't that far away. I looked at the man behind me. "She's your daughter," I said. "How'd you know," he asked. "You could be twins," I replied. He laughed. "What happened," I asked. "Her mother, took her from me. I had problems, with drugs. I got clean, I've been clean. She has a restraining order for her and my daughter. She won custody of our daughter during my trial. She won't even let me talk to my little girl," he replied. "Look, I can't take her," I said. "Yes you can," he yelled. "Why me," I asked. "No one suspects a pregnant woman at the park," he replied. "But you're putting me and my daughter in danger," I yelled. "Get out of the car! If you tell anyone I will kill you," he screamed. I got out of my car.

I watched the man as I started walking towards the playground. A group of parents stopped me. "How far along," one asked. "Almost five months," I replied. "You have any other kids," another asked. I had a choice, do I lie, or do I tell the truth? "My daughter is around here somewhere," I lied. They just looked at me as if I was a bad mom. "Look, I'm being held here at gun point. Subtly, get your kids and leave. Don't make a scene. I'll act as if I can't get to the kid that the man wants," I admitted. Some of the parents walked to their kids and left with them. Three parents stayed to talk with me. "What kid," on asked. "Blonde girl on the swings," I replied. "That's my daughter," another exclaimed. She started running towards her daughter on the swing. I watched as the man got out of my car and started firing rounds at his ex wife. Other children and parents scattered. I laid on the ground from dodging flying bullets. The mans daughter was crying as her father picked her up and carried her away. I stood up and started running towards my car as the man drove away. "No," I screamed.

I ran over to the woman on the ground. She had been shot twice. I laid her on her back. "What's your name," I asked. "Heidi," she faintly replied. "Okay Heidi, my names Shaylinn. I'm going to help you," I somewhat shouted, I needed to make sure she could hear me. As I applied pressure to one of the wounds, I pulled out my phone and called 911. "911 what's your emergency," the operator answered. I put the phone on speaker and then applied pressure to both wounds. "I'm at Alameda Park children's playground in Santa Barbara. I have a woman shot twice. She conscious but loosing blood fast. Her child was kidnapped," I said. "What's the child's description? I have paramedics on the way. Did you get a car description?" "Four year old girl, blonde hair, blue eyes, approximately four feet tall, wearing a pink tutu, white leggings, and a stripped shirt, hair is up in a ponytail. Car is a silver, 2013 Ford Mustang, license plate number 61M-Bravo-V006. The car is registered under the name, Shaylinn Bentley, up to date insurance," I said. "Kidnappers description," she asked. "White male in his late 30's, blonde hair, wearing sunglasses, he's wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans, he's the girls father, he said he'd recently gotten out of prison for drug charges and lost custody to the girl," I replied. At that point paramedics had arrived so I let them take control of the situation.

A billion, it seemed, police officers showed up to the park as Heidi was taken to the hospital. "Shay," someone yelled. I turned around to see Shawn. "Shawn," I yelled as he embraced me for a hug. "Are you okay? Is Ro okay," he asked. "We're fine," I replied. Shawn hugged me again. "I cannot believe something like this happened to you. When your mom called me I got worried so I got home and then I got the call about this," he said quickly. "Shawn, calm down. I'm fine, we're fine. But that little girl, she's not," I replied. "That's not your fault," Lassie cut in. "I know," I said to him. "I'm going to need a full statement Shaylinn. If you could please meet me at the station," the chief interrupted. "Hang on," Jules interrupted. "The man took your car?" "Yeah, he forced me to drive him here," I replied to Jules. "He didn't hold you at gun point did he," Shawn asked. "It doesn't matter. I'm fine," I replied.

I sat in the chiefs office, we were going over exactly what happened. She eventually understood that he forced me to take him to the park to help him kidnap his daughter. Of course, the kidnapping got a little messy. Heidi, last time I checked, was in surgery. They didn't know whether she'd survive. At this point we couldn't do much, but wait.

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