Chapter Six.

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Chapter Six: Searching.

They all sat around the phone back at the police station. "I hate just sitting here," Shawn yelled. The phone rang and Lassie put it on speaker. "My hands are on my face. When the time comes I will splat. Shawn use the same puzzle to save Sh-," Jules said. "She was about to say use the same puzzle to save Shay. We have half an hour until six," Gus said. "My hands are on my face, it's a clock," Shawn said. "The clock tower," Lassie said. "Gus, Lassiter, go to the clock tower. Shawn, call your dad. Tell him to meet us at the pier," the chief said.

When Lassie and Gus pulled up to the clock tower they parked and started running up the many flights of stairs. When they got to the top of the door they ran out the door and saw Jules tied onto a chair that was hanging off the edge of a building by a thin wire. In ten minutes the clocks arrows would hit the wire and Jules would fall.

Shawn met his dad at the pier. The chief stayed behind at the car to call for backup. Shawn and his dad ran up the pier. Shawn saw something out of the corner of his eye. Down on the rocks below the pier was Yang. He looked at the masked face and asked,"She's under the pier isn't she?" Yang ran away and Shawn jumped into the water and saw me tied up. My hands were tied to a pier post above my head and my ankles were tied as well. The water was rising fast. Yang had tied a cloth around my mouth so I couldn't yell. Shawn swam over to me. He took the cloth out of my mouth. "Hey Shay," he said. "Shawn," I said. "Yeah," he asked. "Fucking untie me before I drown," I yelled. "Oh yeah right," he said as he went down to my feet. He came back up for air. "Shawn," his dad yelled from above. "Dad do you still carry your Swiss Army knife around with you," he asked. "Everywhere I go," Henry said as he dropped down the knife through a crack in the pier. Shawn caught the knife and swam back down. As he cut free my ankles and swam back up the water engulfed my body. He cut the ropes that held my hands together and swam us both up to the surface. We both gasped for air.

Gus held the giant clocks arrow while Lassie jammed the clocks gears. Once the gears were jammed Lassie and Gus got Jules back onto the roof of the clock tower. Lassie hugged Jules as she started crying. Gus got a call from Shawn. "Hello," Gus said. "We got her," Shawn said. "We got Jules too," Gus said. "Good that's good," Shawn said.

Shawn and I sat on the back of an ambulance with blankets wrapped around us. "Are you okay," Shawn asked me. "I'm fine," I replied. "Want a ride home Shay," Henry asked as he approached us. "Sure, thanks," I replied. "What about me," Shawn asked. "The chief wants to talk to you," Henry replied. Henry grabbed my hand and helped me up. I followed him to his truck. "Thanks for taking me home," I said to Henry as we got in his truck. "Your welcome. Thanks for giving Shawn someone to talk about." "He talks about me," I asked. "Constantly," Henry replied.

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