Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen: Interrogation.

I was now in the chiefs office at the Santa Barbara PD. "There's no way you can't keep me off this case," I yelled. "Shaylinn! I will give you one chance. If you can't handle yourself on this case you'll be off it again," the chief shouted. "I'll be right back," I said. I turned and left her office. I walked down the halls to the interrogation room our suspect was held in. Lassie was interrogating the kid. Jules was watching through the window. "You can't go in there," she said. "Watch me," I replied.

I barged into the room where the kid looked terrified. "Get out," I said to Lassie. "You're not even on the case," he argued. "Go ask the chief," I replied. Lassie left the room. I disabled the camera and audio for the room. "So kid. That person you killed, why'd you do it," I asked. I sat on the chair across from him and put my feet on the table. "I was ordered too, by my higher up," he replied. "Who's your higher up," I asked. "I can't say," he replied. "You can't say huh," I asked with a grin. I stood up and took my right heel off. I held onto the heel part and hit him across the face with it.

"What the hell," he screamed, putting his hand to his face. "That was my damn brother," I yelled. I put my heel back on. I walked around behind him. "Tell me who you work for," I yelled. I punched him in the face. "You can't do this you're a cop," the kid yelled. "Lucky for me I'm not a cop," I replied punching him again. "The drug cartel," he yelled. "Obviously," I said raising my fist. "José Gomez," he yelled. "Thanks kid," I said. I let him go and walked out of the room. "What the hell did you do to the video and audio," Lassie asked right as the door shut. "I destroyed it," I replied. "What the hell? Why," he asked. "Because what I'm about to do, is very illegal," I replied. I started walking away when I heard Lassie say,"So that's the dark side of Shaylinn Bentley. I like it." I laughed.

I was about to leave the station when the chief stopped me. "Shaylinn, my office. Now," she said sternly. "I want off the case," I stopped her. "Why," she asked. "I'm going into the case as a private detective so I have no rules. I have to go. I'm going to the doctor," I replied. I turned and started walking away. "Shaylinn," the chief yelled. "What," I asked, turning around to face her. "Don't make any choices you'll regret," she suggested. I nodded, then turned and left.

I got to the Psych office and saw Shawn and Gus going over some files. "You ready," I asked. "Yeah. I'll be out in a minute," he replied. I went back outside and sat in my car. Shawn eventually walked out and got in. He held my hand. "Whatever we find out today, nothing will change," Shawn said. "Shawn, everything will change," I replied.

The doctor had just administered the pregnancy test. "Shay, I want you to know that whatever we get told in the next few minutes. I won't love you any less than I do," Shawn assured me. I held his hand. "I love you," I said. "I love you too," he replied. After a couple of minutes, the doctor came back into the room. "Congratulations Mr and Mrs Spencer. Shaylinn here is indeed 100% pregnant," the doctor said.

I mean, I did want kids. Well, later in life. But seriously, did Shawn? Neither of us were ready. He did live with me but that doesn't mean anything. We're not married and neither of us are ready to settle down. We're both detectives and that's a dangerous job for a pregnant woman.

"Shay, Shay," Shawn said, snapping. We were parked in my driveway. "Yeah," I asked. "You've been out of it since we found out you're pregnant," Shawn said. "Well, I mean. Shawn I love my job. I can't do this while I'm pregnant," I replied. "I understand," he said sympathetically. "We just got back together and-." Shawn kissed me. "We're going to make great parents," he assured me. I put my forehead to his. "I wanted to make this more romantic but," he said pulling something out of his pocket. He opened a little black box and had a gorgeous diamond ring. "Will you, Shaylinn Bentley, marry me," Shawn asked. My hands went to my face which was now plastered with a smile. "Yes," I replied. He took the ring and slipped it on my finger. I kissed him again.

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