Chapter Five.

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Chapter Five: Here's Lassie!

It all happened so fast. One minute I clutched Jules for my life, the other I was sliding down a dirt cliff trying to not get shot. I grabbed onto a giant tree root that was sticking out of the side of the cliff. When I grabbed the tree root, the impact was so hard I felt like my arms were going to fall off. I fell down about 100 feet. While I was falling, Yang took Jules and left. I hung on for dear life.

After about ten minutes I was debating to just let go. My arms were sore and tired. All I wanted to do was go home, take a nice hot shower, relax, and go to bed. Hanging off the side of a cliff was defiantly the last thing I wanted to do today. I then heard police sirens. In a few minutes, Lassie was above me. "Carlton," I yelled. "It's okay just hang on," he yelled back. "Wasn't planning on it," I yelled sarcastically. He used the rope Jules was tied on and climbed to the end of it. He was a few feet away. "Grab my hand," he said as he held out his left hand. I reached as far as I could, but it was two inches too short. "Trust me," he said with a look in his eyes that just melted your heart. "Okay," I said. I pushed off the branch and grabbed onto Lassie's arm. With all his strength he pulled me up to him and I hung onto his body. He pulled so hard as he climbed up the rope. He finally got to the top and we were both thrown over onto the grass. We both laid there huffing and puffing. After a minute we both sat up. "Thank you Carlton," I said. "It's all in a days work," he replied. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Shay," I heard I heard Shawn yell as he ran towards us with his hand on his head. I stood and helped Lassie up. I ran and hugged Shawn. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" "I'm fine, are you?" "Little sore but I'll be okay," I assured.

Lassie, Shawn, and I got back to the police station. We were all covered in grass, dirt, and sweat. "I'm going to go get cleaned up," I said to Lassie and Shawn. I walked away from them and went to the bathroom where I got cleaned up.

When I got back to the conference room Lassie, Shawn, Gus, and the chief were arguing. "Hey Gus," I said as I walked in and gave him a hug. They all stopped arguing. "We found this where O'Hara was tied at," Lassie said as he handed me a note. The note read,"Keep her away from us Shawn. She almost ruined our game. The next time, she won't get away. Your next puzzle is this, the pier is your friend, just not at six. Like a fish tank bubbles, so shall she." I looked over the note twice. "So, I can't help," I asked. "I don't want you to get hurt," Shawn said. "That's why I came in," Gus said. "I don't get it," I said. "Yang wants it to be a game for Shawn. You interfered and Yang will kill you if it happens again," Lassie said. "Okay, I'll go home then," I said. Shawn came and hugged me. "Stay safe," he begged. "I will," I replied. I started walking away. "We have until six to figure this one out," the chief said. "I don't get it, fish tank, the pier," Lassie said. I turned around. "The pier is your friend, just not at six. Like a fish tank bubbles, so shall she," I quoted the puzzle. They all looked at me. "Six is when the tide changes. When people start to drown they bubble, so shall she. She's probably under the pier and is going to drown at six. He makes these things too easy," I said. "It makes sense," Gus said. Lassie and the chief ran out. Shawn approached me. "Good job, now go home," he said. "Relax I'll walk to the Psych office, get my car and then go home. Now, go save Jules," I replied. Shawn and Gus ran out of the room, hopefully they would save Jules in time.

It took me ten minutes to walk to the Psych office. When I went in and got my keys I got a call. "Hey Shawn," I answered. "It was a dead end," he said. I could hear Lassie arguing with the chief in the back ground. "Would you guys shut up," I heard Gus yell. "I don't get it, my prediction was so spot on," I said. "I know," Shawn said. "I just got to the office, I'll be home soon," I told him. "Okay, get there safe," he replied. "I'll call you when I ge-." I was cut off by a hit to my head. I was on the ground. "I told you not to help them," I heard a woman scream. My head was pounding. I held my hands to my head in agony. "Shay," I heard Shawn scream through the phone. I grabbed my phone and said,"Shawn, get to the off-," just as I was hit again. Yang grabbed my phone and put it to her head. She breathed into the receiver. "Don't hurt her," I heard Shawn say. "Too late," Yang said as she smashed my phone to the ground. She grabbed my by my hair and dragged me to the other room. There, I saw Jules. "Shay," she yelled. Jules was tied up to a chair. Yang dragged me out to my car and threw me in the backseat. In a few minutes she came back with Jules and threw her back with me.

Shawn and the gang stormed into the Psych office to see a mess, but no one was there. A note sat on a wooden chair. "Too late Shawn. I'm gone. You have two hours until six, you can only save one. Wait for my call at the police station. Happy playing," Shawn read the note aloud. "Now what," Gus asked. "We wait," Lassie said.

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