Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen: Kicks

With my stomach getting bigger and this case becoming more dangerous, I was forced to just stay and watch. By that I mean, no more undercover work, and staying in the car when at a crime scene. I had an ultrasound a few months ago finding out in having a girl.

I woke up in Shawn's arms. "Good morning Mrs Spencer," Shawn said as he kissed my head. "Good morning Shawn," I teased. "What do you both want to eat," Shawn asked as he put his hand on my stomach. "Bacon, hard boiled eggs, and cheesy mashed potatoes," I replied with a smile. "Yes m'am," he said. Shawn got up and went to the kitchen. I checked my phone and saw a text from my mom, "How are you?" I text her back, "I'm good. I'm sorry Eli's case is taking so long. At least we got who killed him. Now were just trying to shut the whole thing down." After a minute I got another text, "Imagine, if Eli didn't die, so many other people would be dead because of those men. But because Eli died you were able to catch half the people involved. Good job Shay." I text her back, "I know. I just miss him." Another minute passed and my mom text, "I know, me too."

As I was waiting for breakfast from Shawn, I got a sharp pain in my stomach. "Shawn," I yelled. Shawn came running into the bedroom. "What," he asked. "I think she's kicking," I replied. Shawn put his hand on my stomach and felt her kick. "Have you thought of any names," Shawn asked. "Every day. I just never find one that I fall in love with," I replied. "What's some that you have liked," Shawn asked. "Rowan, that's about it," I replied. Shawn kissed me. "You get cleaned up and come out for breakfast. Rowan, I like it," Shawn said as he left the room.

After I took a shower I walked to the kitchen. Shawn had just plated up some breakfast. I sat at the breakfast bar. "I'm actually stuck on Rowan. I think it's perfect," Shawn said. "I know. It just, works," I replied. "Hi Rowan," Shawn said to my tummy. I giggled. "Eat, you're not fat enough," Shawn teased as he sat next to me.

The rest of the day Shawn and I hung out around the house. Lassie, Gus, and Jules were all working the case today but Shawn said he'd be more careful and take more time off during my pregnancy.

As we laid in bed after a day of doing nothing, Shawn was snuggling with me. "We should get a puppy, after the baby. So they can grow up together," I suggested. "Why not when she's older. Most dogs only live thirteen years. We want Ro to be able to remember her best friend," Shawn suggested. "Okay, a kitten. Cats live longer than dogs," I replied. "Sure, we can get a kitten," Shawn said. I kissed Shawn. "Thank you," I said. We settled down and eventually fell asleep.

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