Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Back To Work

After six months of staying home with Rowan, I was finally going back to work. I found an awesome daycare especially for newborns. I dropped Ro off at eight o'clock and then got to Psych around 8:30. Gus greeted me as I sat down at my desk. I logged into the Psych email and was blown away by over 100 new emails. "Does anyone check this email," I teased. Gus laughed, then I laughed, then Shawn walked in. After our fight over Ro, and a couple of over the phone battles, Shawn and I called it quits. We broke off our engagement. I told him I'd be back at work two months ago, but I couldn't work up facing him. "Oh hey Shawn," Gus greeted. "Hey guys. Shay I wasn't expecting you back so soon," Shawn blankly stated. "It's been six months. It's not soon enough," I replied. Shawn shut up and sat down at his desk.

After two hours of reading through the emails, every one of them, my phone went off. "Hey Jules," I answered. "Hey girl! Heard you're back at Psych! Hey we need ya down here for a suicide case," Jules replied. "Sure I'm on my way," I said. We hung up and I grabbed my keys. "Where you off to," Shawn asked. "Jules has a case for me," I replied. "We're still partners Shay, we work cases not just you," Shawn snapped. "Okay Shawn, let's go then," I replied.

We got to the police station and were briefed. We were on our way home when Shawn pulled into a Panera. "What are we doing," I asked. "I'm hungry, figured a working mother would be too," he replied. "Okay," I said.

Shawn and I ordered and then got seated. "This isn't about work is it," I asked. "No," he replied honestly. "Look Shawn, you're not in Rowan's life. You haven't been for the past six months. Honestly I've been doing fine without you. I don't need you to help me raise her," I blankly stated. "You do too need me. Why can't you accept that? I stepped up and became a father," Shawn somewhat shouted. "Shawn please," I urged. "I know I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry. Work got in the way, doubts got in the way-." "Rowan got in the way," I interrupted. "No she didn't, life did," Shawn replied. "No Rowan is life. She got in the way. She put my life on hold, and yours. Being honest with you, I wouldn't have came back to work unless I had too. I was about to lose my house, then your dad stepped in. He was the only Spencer that helped raise Rowan. He's the only Spencer I expect to be in her life," I said. "I want to be in her life, in yours too-." "Maybe you should've thought about that before you left us both," I interrupted again. I stood up and started to leave. Shawn grabbed my arm. "Please Shay. How are you gonna get home," he asked. "I'll walk," I replied.

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