Chapter Seven.

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Chapter Seven: Fear.

I laid in bed watching the news. A report came on,"A few hours ago a serial killer named Yang tried drowning a woman under the pier. We were given no word of the woman's name. We know that the woman is okay, but that Yang is still out there. More information will be reported as it becomes available." I shut off my TV and threw my remote at the wall. It was around ten o'clock and I got a text from Shawn. "Are you okay." "No," I replied. I sat up and started crying. I almost died twice since working with Shawn, It took four years.

I heard my doorbell go off. I went to my front door. It was Shawn. I hugged him. "Are you okay," he asked. "You can stop asking me that now," I said as I released and went to sit on the couch. "Are you mad at me?" "I don't know," I admitted. "Shay," he said as he sat next to me and held my hand. "Ever since we started dating all these bad things have been happening to us. I've almost died twice today. Of course I'm not okay! You weren't even there to help me. I had to hang on until Lassie got there! Shawn I'm sick of always being scared. I'm sick of living with the fear that I'm going to die," I yelled as I stood. "So what do you want me to do? What is this," he asked as he stood. "I think this is it Shawn. I can't be scared anymore," I said. "Are we breaking up," he asked. A tear fell down my cheek. I turned around and looked away from him. "Shay," he said. "Don't do this," I said. "Don't do what," he asked. "Don't beg for me to stay with you," I replied. "I wasn't going to," he said. "Goodbye Shawn," I said. He left my house. When he shut the door I leaned against it and then slid down. I just sat there and cried.

The next morning I woke up, took a shower, and got dresses after I straightened my hair. I wore a pair of short high waisted shorts and a strapless ruffled floral top. I put on my sparkly sandals, as I left my house, and started walking to the Psych office. I was walking for about ten minutes when I was jumped. I was thrown into an all too familiar car. It was my mustang. My captor was Yang.

((I know this chapter is short and I'm gonna try to update again soon! This was just the best place to end the chapter. Man, Shay just cannot get a break!!!))

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