Chapter Nine.

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Chapter Nine: New Case.

We all just sat there. Jules, Lassie, and Gus didn't ask why we broke up. The room was silent. "Can I have a minute alone with Shay," Shawn asked. Jules, Lassie, and Gus, without question, left the room. "This is all my fault," he said after they left. He sat next to me. "No it's not," I said. "Shay. You could've been killed again," he said. "I'm fine," I yelled. "From the looks of that it doesn't look like it," he yelled as he pointed at the bandaging around my shoulder. "Don't yell at me. You have no right," I said. "I'm sorry. I just care about you and I can't loose you. Stay working with me. Stay on this case. I need you Shay," he begged. "Only because your begging," I teased. He hugged me. "Friends," he asked. "Friends," I said.

I was released from the hospital the next day. Shawn took me straight to the Santa Barbara Police Department for a talk with a chief. We sat in her office. "Yang hasn't spoken with us since the incident," the chief said. "I know chief. It's all my fault," I said. "No it's not. I have other cases that need your attention. I'm taking the Psych team off the case. Lassiter and O'Hara are off the case as well. Here's your new case," she said as she handed me a folder.

Shawn and I took the case to Psych HQ. We sat at our desks reviewing the case. "3 teenage girls have been kidnapped in the past three weeks. No bodies have showed up and neither have ransom notes. The FBI won't get involved unless bodies start showing up," Shawn said. "I've never worked kidnapping cases," I added. "Let's get to work then," Shawn said.

Shawn and I went to Tami Summers' house. She has been missing the longest. We parked in front of the house in the street. Shawn and I walked up to the door. "Are you Mr and Mrs Summers," I asked as two people opened the door. "Yes and you are," Mrs Summers asked. "I'm Shaylinn Bentley and this is Shawn Spencer. Shawn is a private psychic detective for the Santa Barbara Police Department. I'm his partner. We understand your daughter Tami is missing and want to ask you a few questions," I said.

They invited us in. We sat on their couch. "Tami has been missing for almost a month. She was a good girl, had great grades. She was a softball player at her school. A good one at that," Mrs Summers said. "What grade is she in," Shawn asked. "She is a freshman," Mr Summers replied. "14, 15," Shawn asked. "14," Mrs Summers replied. "Momma who's there," a young girl asked as she came down the stairs. She was followed by two little boys and one little girl. "Some people looking for Tami," she replied. "I'm sorry. These are our other children. He pointed at them from youngest to oldest, that's Kylie, Jordan, Josh, and Annabelle," Mr Summers said. I smelled something funny on his breath. I've smelled it before I just can't put my finger on it.

We spent an hour at the Summers' home talking to the kids and the parents of Tami. Shawn and I were driving to the Kane's household now. "Mr Summers seemed a bit, off," Shawn said. "I smelled something on his breath. I couldn't figure out what," I replied. "Did you notice dirt on his black leather shoes," Shawn asked. "No," I replied. "I took a picture," he said as he handed me his phone. I looked at the picture. "That's weird," I stated.

A/N sorry I know it's short. I just needed to update. What do you thinks gonna happen? What do you think is going on with Mr Summers? Are you guys happy Shawn and Shay are working it out?

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