Chapter 20: Lock Down

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My blanket couldn't keep me warm that night. The cold air penetrated its fabric, the smooth texture cold as ice. It was at 4:30 am that I realized that I was not going to be falling asleep anytime soon. 

I walked from my room, the cold wood skimming under my feat.  As I walked into the kitchen I noticed the light snow falling like ashes. I reached for a mug from the cabinet, its handle cold against my hands.

The mug filled with hot chocolate as I whispered into it like most cups or mugs at the Academy. I walked over to the living room sitting on the warm couch, its white fabric warm despite the frigid temperature else where. 

Then I spied it, a dark silhouette standing in the small back yard of the dormitory. As my eyes skimmed over the figure it vanished, like hope in a child's eyes as their parents walked near to them, only to walk away.

Letting out a breath I snuck back to my cold room, my hot chocolate warming my hands. Then I saw it again, just outside of my bedroom window. A dark figure lurked, its eyes glowing a dark purple, its color vibrant against the gray world.

A door creaked in the background making my head swivel to the sound. I looked back upon the figure to find nothing, just the outline of a bush covered in snow, its color gray like the rest of the dull world. The front door to the dorms opened, then closed again, a gust of cold air trickling in like water. The door closed, cutting off the supply of cold air and everything went quiet.

My room filled with a light blue glow, my tattoo glowing like the frozen sun. Quickly I slid under my bed to try and hide the light. I don't know how long I hid under the covers, my rigid breath loud and horse, but when I removed the sheets, sun the color of gold shown through my window, its bright rays touching my face like hands.

Wearily I removed the covers walking into my bathroom. I ran the water of my shower, it's cold spray licking at my body.


The cold air stung my face as John, Elise, Sarah, and I walked along the snowy path. It had dropped lower then expected last night, reaching a chilling -27.
We neared the large school, it's light blue roof covered with angel white snow. Opening the large doors warmth flooded around my body, a sea of comfort.
We walked into the cafeteria the pleasant smell of pancakes and waffles watering into our noses.
Sitting down at our regular table, I served myself some pancakes. Ella and Aira walked through the archway to our table.
Giving Ella a hug she sat down beside me, making John raise an eyebrow.
John's face was as pail as snow, his eyes sad.
"John." Ella greeted. John roar his vision from a blank spot on the wall.
"Sorry." He whispered.
"What?" Ella's whisper was ignored as the lights in the cafeteria went out, the windows going opaque. Murmers and screams went out as a speaker came over head.
"Emergency Lock Down. Emergency Lock Down. All Teachers make way to assigned rooms. Emergency Lock Down. Emergency Lock Down. All Teachers make way to assigned rooms."

Mrs. Diana strutted into the room her hair flowing like the waves of an ocean behind her.
"Everyone! Follow me!" Diana yelled. A trail of people followed Diana.
Aira, Denen, Bremen, and Haley joined my side with Ella.
"What's happening!?" Asked Hailey.
"I don't anymore than you!" Ella retorted. Everyone made their way with Diana niwz except for John who made his way out of the cafeteria, like a fish going up stream.
"John!!!" Ella screamed, Johns head whipped around, and with a hurt look kept going.
The wall to the cafeteria flew back, screams erupting right on cue. Blasts of power flew from the dusty whole more screams coming.
"You did!" An older voice shouted standing infront of a trap door. Aira lifted her hands pushing them forward. The staff member blew down the whole, the door shuting behind her.
The dust cleared and a man stepped forward.
He wore dark robes, swirling in the dusty wind, shreds of cloth blew rapidly in the wind, his head was covered with a hood. In his left hand he held a wooden staff. It curved along above where a bonus hand was placed, the tip a crystal the color of twilight.
A bony hand pulled back the cloak, the shadows upon the figures face disappearing.
A bony face emerged. He had a shallow face with sharp check bones, flesh the color of the whites of a person's eye. His nose was hooked and his mouth was in a tight snear, his lips pail as well. His eyes glew a twillight purple, haunting anyone whom saw them.
Behind the figure stood John, as pale as snow, his eyes full of hurt. And behind him stood at least a hundred people. Each one whore tattered black clothes with equally as pail skin as what must have been their leader.
On their arms was armour, on it small knifes, atop it what looked to be a gun barrel.
"Hand yourself over and no one gets hurt." Yelled the man.
"There's no winning." A voice yelled. John emerged from the crowd of people. "Please, just do it." John added.
"John!" Ella screamed running forward. I grabbed her arm pulling her back.
"D21." Aira whispered.
D21 was an 'order' we had discussed, it meant that I would create an Ice wall around us, supported by a rock wall from Haley.
Closing my eyes I stepped forward. "Fine." I yelled back.
I raised my hand, a huge wall of Ice erecting up. Haley raised her hands, Earth pialling up slowly behind my wall of crystal ice.
The wall Haley had created cracked, crumbling like an earthquake was happening. The earth piled up into mound. A loud groan came out, and a hand smacked down I front of us from the mound. The hand connected to the mound a head rising. The mound erected, turning into a large object. It was the pile of dry earth, it's face crumbling, the face plait it whore was made of a darker earth shaped like a knights helmet.
The leader laughed malisously, leaning his head back.
"An earth golem." Brennen whispered in panic.
The people from behind the man ran at us in charge, sounds of wars screams erupting from the crowd. 
"Cave in the roof!" I whispered to Aira.
"What about us?" She yells back.
"Just do it!"  I responded.
Aira clenched her hands reaching upwards and pulled down. The roof sucked in, sounds of screams coming. Closing my eyes I touched the ground, a some of Ice crawled up around us, it's icy tendrils licking together as the roof fell utop us.
The world went dark, an infinite sea if inkyness. The dome of ice shattered, the roof flying off of it. Infront of me stood the man, his lips pulling into a tight smile.
"Well, then." He chuckled. "That was dramatic."


Cliff hanger....
We are going to pretend that it hasn't been two and a half weeks since update... yea... Sorry about that..  life has been hell, buy Christmas is coming so that's always good:)

Anyways, Question of the Chapter:
"Favorite Christmas tradition?"

Decorating the Christmas tree with my family while eating fancy cheese and crackers with the fire place glowing:)

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