Chapter 13

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We walked to the family room, I'm guessing since it only had video games systems and games. 

There was quite a few people in here.

"Yo, everybody this is Ian, my mate." He spoke super proud.

"Ian these are my siblings. The oldest Liam, Vittoria, Rayven, Iris, Chris, Derek, Erick, Lisanette, Wyatt, Ayden and the youngest of us all Katie. Those are my nieces and nephews Ava and Tyson are Liam's children that is his wife and mate Carolina, then you have Sophia, Xzavier, Isaiah and Luke are all Vittoria's children." He pointed out while pointing to each individual person.

"So wait there are.......twelve of y'all?" I asked in a bit of shock.


"Oh gosh...Nice to meet you all." I greeted.

Hi's and hello's were said before most of them turned back to the t.v. not really caring.

"So Ian where are you from?" Vittoria asked

"I'm from San Jose, California." I replied

"I always wanted to go to California it lovely?" She asked her eyes flickered with a bit of sadness.

"You should visit it is very lovely."

"So does your parents know about Jason yet?" Chris asked

"Uh not that were are dating or the other stuff but we planned to tell them were dating when we leave here." I answered

"Oh then get a move on."  Vittoria smiled

"See you, nice meeting you all." I waved

Jason and I walked out of the door and to his jeep. We got in and he drove to my house. I was a bit nervous but I wasn't going to show it. We pulled up in to the driveway both of my parent's cars are sitting there. 

We got out and walked up to my door I unlocked it and took a deep breath before I walked inside.

"Mom...Dad?" I called out

"In the kitchen, your father is in his study working as always." my mother called back

"Okay...well my friend is staying for dinner."

"Ouch friend." Jason whispered with a fake hurt expression.

"Okay." She said.

I walked into the living room, Liz was watching the Bad Girls Club I snatched the remote from her hand and put on The Regular Show and plopped on the couch.

"I was watching that!" She yelled

"Yeah and this is me not caring. Jason that's my little sister Elizabeth. You probable know her. She is the new whore of the school." I noted

".....OMG your Jason Sanders of the Sanders' crew and you're in my house." She squealed then looked at her self then ran up the stairs.

"I didn't know I was so popular." He grinned cockily

 I rolled my eyes as he sat next to me. He put his hand on my leg, I looked at him and he smiled at me. Liz soon came back downstairs completely dress up and all Girly-fied. I don't get why you need to wear a lot of make-up. It takes natural beauty out of the person except for her she is ugly inside and out.

"You look like a monster on Face-Off." I mocked

"Shut up Ian." She giggled trying to sound like a nice girly girl.

"Why didn't she swallow you?" I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Dinner!" My mom called from the kitchen,

I walked in to the dining room Jason followed as he looked at the pictures of the family. I fixed us a plate then we sat down, my dad came in typing away on his tablet. He put it down and we all began to eat as the useless chatter talk about our day and school filled the room. I hate those conversations they never really change.

"Uh I have something to say." I interrupted the useless conversation.

"Yes." My mom said

"Uh...well...Jason is----" I started but couldn't get the rest out

"Is your boyfriend." My dad finished my sentence giving my mom a fifty dollar bill.

"We been figured you were gay sweetie." My mom laughed taking the money

"I didn't and your with Jason Sanders. It's always the hot ones that are gay." Liz mumbled bitterly and stuck food in her mouth.

"Shut up. How did y'all know and I only found out and you made a bet on it?" I asked stunned

"Of course and I think you been knew just never came to terms with it. You are a stubborn kid. Besides you never expressed any deep interest in girl, they were just pretty. I remember you had a crush on the neighbor boy you probably don't remember that. 

Hunny remember the time he said I want to be Kenny's wife. Then you put on a dress and forced Kenny to marry him. That's why I asked you if you really like Nebula....sweetie we were stupid to think it was a phase. You were little but we accepted it. We made a bet on when you would come out." She confessed like it was nothing then looked at me with soft loving eyes. 

Jason laughed.

"Yeah he was a funny kid this one...I didn't properly introduce myself I am Ian's mom Candice and that's my husband Jeremy." She introduced them to Jason

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Harris I will take good care of Ian." Jason said.

"I'm sure you will." My mom smirked and winked obviously hinting something more.

"MOM!" I blurted blushing like crazy this lady is crazy.

"What? We all are adults here." She chuckled.

I tried to hide my blush. 

We continued to eat as they got to know Jason, they seemed to like him. They were just as blown away as me when we said he had eleven siblings. When dinner was over he had to go. I walked to him to his car. 

He got in and shut the door, I went to his window.

"I had a ton of fun hearing your childhood stories." He laughed at the thought.

"Shaddup..they seem to like you." I noted

"I know someone else that likes me." He smirked at me. 

I leaned inside of the window and kissed him, I pulled back to see him smiling.

"See you tomorrow." He said and pulled off.

I watched the jeep leave from my sight as I walked back into my house. I walked to my room and plopped on my bed. I could be a werewolf huh? My life could really change will I be able to handle that. 

He did look sad when I said I had to think about that ceremony even though he tried to mask it. I sighed long and heavy.....The words he said about the ceremony played in my head....OH SHIT HE WANTS MY MANHOLE with Jason my lower half got excited as I imagined it...oh god I ran to the bathroom and took a very very cold shower. 

I thought about it and even made a pros and cons chart stupid right but hey I did, my alarm went off and before I knew it I didn't sleep at all. 

The Complications Of Being A Werewolf's Mate {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now