Chapter 22

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The week passed by so slow.

It was boring except seeing Neb go gaga over Ruby. They would do a little flirting. Ned started thinking Ruby just find it fun to flirt with her. I hope that's not true.

I finally got home for another long day of school.

I went in the kitchen and grabbed a two pound raw steak. 

I lightly cooked it on both side but kept it rare. 

I ate the steak on my couch and watched t.v. until I passed out. 






I woke up to the doorbell, ugh its six in the afternoon.

Jeez I slept that long. 

I got up scratching my stomach and went to the door. I opened it lazily to see Jason. I squealed and jumped on him. I'm not really like that but I couldn't help it I'm excited. He caught me and squeezed me tight as he laughed.

"I missed you so much." He whispered in my ear

"I missed you too" I smiled

I gave him a much needed kiss. It was filled with longing and passion. He broke the kiss and put me down. I let in and shut the door.

"What are you doing here." I asked

"I just got back and had to see you. That week was too long."

"Yes it really was."

"So how bad did you miss me?" He smirked. 

He got closer to me and start kissing my neck.

"A lot but we can't do it here I don't have soundproof walls like you."

"Aw okay. Well can I at least crash here, I missed you all week."

"Yeah , mind if I go to yours tomorrow I want to talk to Edwin."


I took his hand and tip toed upstairs to my room. I closed the door and locked it.

"How has hiding the ears and tail been going? I wanna see."Jason asked

"It's been hard but I learned what to do."

"Oh that's good."

I took off my beanie and my pants.

My tail popped out, I looked at Jason who was smiling.

"Still so sexy." He smirked

He pulled me to him. 

He took his shirt and pants off and cuddled with me in the bed. I laid my head on his chest and I could hear his heart beating. It was soothing and I soon fell asleep.





I woke up to a rapid banging on my door. 

The fuck better be the damn police or someone better be dying banging on my damn door like that.

"IAN!" Liz called

I got out of my bed and put on my beanie and pants covering my tail I unlocked and opened my door a little.

The Complications Of Being A Werewolf's Mate {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now