Chapter 20

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I awoke later outside staring at the full moon.

I looked around until I found Jason's face. 

I was about to ask why we were outside but pain shot through my body as I screamed in pain. My bones started to snap and crackle everywhere as the tears poured down my face. This was way worse then having him in me. My bone structure shifted from human in to a wolf.

It felt like I was hit by an eighteen wheeler going 100 mph. 

I laid on the ground in horrible pain. Jason came in front of me with a huge smile then he shifted in to a big black wolf with purple eyes. He licked my face.

"Well that's gross ." I thought

"I heard that."

"What? You heard that?"

"No, I can tell by your body language and expressions. How do you feel?"

"I'm in pain all over Mr. Sarcastic"

Jason howled and I could hear loads of paws coming toward us. No one was near though. They arrived in a minute they all gathered around us. They looked at me, I could tell which one was Jason even if he wasn't by me.

"Can you get up."

"I'm hurting." I whimpered

"It's time for the run so try." Jason put his head under me as he pushed against me. Trying to get me up.


I put all of my strength in to getting up I got up after a few trail and errors. 

I finally stood up but it was a very painful thing to do. Walking on four legs instead of two was different. Do I walk left front, right back then right front, left back?

"Good job babe." He licked my face snapping me out my rant.

"Thanks." I licked him back. 

Ha ha I can lick you too....wait that sounded perverted.

"Now let's run." He stood straight up and puffed out his chest.

Everyone howled at the sky towards the moon then took off running through the woods. I was slower then the rest of course. I was in pain and still didn't understand the movements. Jason stayed by my side throughout the process. 

I watched them sneak up on their prey. Quickly killing the deer, they bite off a chunk of the deer's throat. A couple wolves carried it away. I stopped at a lake that was to the right of us.

 I looked in the water I was a Crimson wolf with white eyes. Wow that's me as a wolf. I fucking look awesome. The pain shot through me and I felt myself fall over as I blacked out again.







I woke up in Jason's room the sun was shining directly in my face. I groaned and turned over. That was a big mistake. My butt start hurting. 

I softly rubbed my butt well I know I'm back to normal. 

I turned my head and saw Jason sitting up stroking my head deep in thought. Aw cute. I put my hand on his leg, He snapped out of his thoughts as he looked down at me.

"Morning babe." He smiled


"How do you feel?"

"Good, in pain but good. You didn't tell me that was going to happen though."

"Yea sorry about that. Do you regret it?"

"...No I don't and I would do it again for you any day, Not soon though. Please I don't think I can handle it right now."

He chuckled and I smiled

"How was your first time making love with me?"

"It's was bittersweet."

"That a good or bad thing?"

"Good... Your much bigger than I thought but your mom did say---"

All of a sudden a feeling of nausea came over me. I jumped out of the bed despite the pain and ran to the bathroom. I went to the toilet and threw up chunks. I heard calm footsteps.

"Don't worry, that's normal to threw up your body is just trying to accept the changes."

"Ugh." I groaned after I threw up the last bit. 

He handed me a towel and I wiped my mouth I moved to the sink and grabbed a toothbrush and tooth paste and brushed my teeth.

"Already want something else of mine in your mouth." He smirked

... What oh the toothbrush.

"Perv." I mumbled as I rinsed out my mouth.

"Well I'm your Perv now."

"That you are. Can you help me to the bed? I used all of my energy I had left running to the toilet."

"Yes babe" He chuckled

He picked me up and carried me to the bed. He went in his dresser and got a pair of boxers out. He slipped them on me gently. Then he put a pair on.

 Aw sad face.

"I will go get breakfast."  He smiled

 He put on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He tossed me a remote and opened up a entertainment center that housed a 42' inch flat screen. I turned it on as he left the room. I put it on a football movie with The Rock and Xzhibit. 

Suddenly my head starts pounding. I grabbed my head as the pain started to get worse. I screamed when the pain became unbearable. The door flew open not even a minute later.

"What's wrong Ian." Jason called

"My head hurts" I groaned and moved my hands

"Woah" Jason began and walked towards me his eyes started to turn purple.

"Jason this is so not the time to get horny."

"But you look so freaking sexy" He said

"Why is it like this?"

"I don't know"


"I mean I never seen this kind of thing before. Sou should be completely human. Let me see if my dad knows."

He finally took his eyes off of me and grabbed me a shirt then went to get his dad.

I put the shirt on and thought how much I went through in two days. 







The Complications Of Being A Werewolf's Mate {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now