Chapter Four*

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"This is where it all started," Matt sighed, sitting by himself on a rock, staring at the waves as they rolled onto the beach, and came back down. He reflected on the many memories he and Sophia had made together. He felt something every time he was with her; a strong feeling he had never felt before. It came from his heart, and it was as if it was trying to tell him something. Then, he came to a realization. All the fast heartbeats, all of the numbness and tingles, all of the butterflies that came from his stomach when they touched... he had fallen in love with her.

Never mind the fact that it's only been 3 months, he had grown these feelings so fast that he just couldn't deny it. He stared at the ocean, his mind replaying the memories he had with her at the beach. When they held hands and walked down the beach, the numerous amount of times he had thrown her into the ocean, and the endless amount of kisses in the water; they were all playing in his mind over and over again. He never wanted it to end, but sadly, it was her time to go.

There she was, walking towards him, with a small smile on her face. You could tell that she wasn't feeling very happy, and he couldn't blame her; her plane was leaving this afternoon.

"Hey Matt," Sophia smiled a bit, taking a seat beside him. She leaned her head on his shoulder, knowing that this was the end. She had cried herself to sleep last night just thinking about it. She had to leave, and despite knowing the fact a long-distance relationship was possible, she knew it would never work out. They lived on opposite ends of the country, and there was just no point.

"Hey baby girl," Matt smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him. They sat in silence for a few minutes, both of them admiring the view of the sunrise.

"So, this is the end isn't it?" Sophia frowned, looking down at her feet. She couldn't look at him, knowing that the moment she did, she would burst into tears.

"I wish it wasn't," Matt sighed, running his other fingers through his hair. He felt a drop land on his shorts, realizing that she had begun to cry. "Soph, don't do that." He lifted her chin up to see the tears streaming from her face. He smiled at her with all his might, caressing her face and wiping the tears away from her eyes with his thumbs. "I know you might think that after this we'll never talk ever again, but we can always remain friends. It's not literally the end Sophia, we can make this work."

Sophia stood up, shaking her head. Matt followed her immediately, pulling her back to him. "Matt, you can promise me all you want that we can still talk, but eventually we'll drift away. Maybe the first few weeks will remain constant, but eventually we're going to start talking less and less until we just stop entirely. It happens to everyone Matt."

"Then you must not know me. I'm Matthew Espinosa, the guy with the biggest heart you've ever seen. When I say I promise, I intend to keep that promise." He looked into her eyes, but she was already gone. His Sophia Grey was all gone and was replaced with this hopeless girl. Her eyes diverted to his t-shirt, which read 'forever hungry'. She giggled a little bit, shaking her head. "I love your stupid t-shirts."

"And I love you." She froze in her spot, looking down at the ground.

"Did you just say-"

"Yes, Sophia Ann Grey, I am in love with you." Matt was trying to make the situation brighten a little bit, cheering when he reached his goal: a smile. Then she frowned again, and he sighed.

"I wish you didn't say that." He was confused, wondering why she would say something so cold. Did she not feel the same way?

"Why? Do you not love me?"

"No, it's not that. I do love you Matt, it's just that you made it a billion times harder to leave." Matt grinned to himself, tunnel visioning on the three words he wanted to hear most.

"You love me." Sophia rolled her eyes, shaking her head with a small chuckle. "You loveeee me," Matt cooed, dragging out the word love.

"Not the point Matt-"

"YOU LOVE ME!" Sophia smacked his arm, grunting. She turned to leave, but Matt wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

"I'm leaving. And I have to say goodbye. So here it is-"

"Don't say goodbye," Matt said, the pain shooting at his heart again, "Say I'll see you some time in the future. Because I can guarantee you, I'll be there, tying the knot with you."


"Sophia Ann Grey, I am going to give you a ring." Matt pulled the ring out of his pocket, his heart beating faster and faster. An infinity design covered in sapphire glowed in the sun as he placed it onto her ring finger. "I hope this ring will be a constant reminder of me and my love for you. You'll be in my heart forever and ever, until infinity," he winked. "Pun intended. From now until the then, I won't see anyone else, and I pray to god you don't either. Because Sophia Ann Grey, I want you to be my future Mrs. Espinosa. So please, keep this on your finger until we meet again."

He pulled out a dog tag necklace with two charms connected to it: an M and an S. "I will wear this until we meet again."

"Thank you so much Matt, this means the world to me." Sophia looked up, a huge smile on her face. "Until next time." She connected their lips for a few seconds, then turned to walk away. From the distance, she could hear Matt say the three words that are edged into her memory this very day.

"I love you."


TEASER: Back to school for Megan :') She gets to meet someone new that potentially hurts her.

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