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♡ Megan's POV ♡

You know that feeling of happiness you get when something you want to happen, happens? Yeah, I wish that was the feeling that ran through my mind at that moment.

At first, all I could feel was shock. His lips on mine brought back happy memories, which quickly faded as soon as I realized the situation I was currently in. I was quick to pull away, pushing him away from me harshly, and wiping my mouth in disgust.

"You pig!" I shouted at him, slapping his cheek, to which he just smirked at. I rolled my eyes, stomping on his toe with my heel.

"Fuck," he cursed, holding his shoe in his hands with a pained look on my face. I was almost feeling regret until I figured out who he was. I scoffed, walking away from him. How did I even end up in there with him? There had to be something in the punch that had made me so emotional and vulnerable. I walked back to my table, sniffing the glass I had. Yep, that's definitely not just punch.

"Can we go now?" I whispered to Jared. He nodded, grabbing my hand and leading me out the door.


"I just... I can't believe he'd try to win me back the way he did after all the pain I went through, you know?" I heaved a sigh, my cheeks squished up against Jared's chest. I was playing with his fingers as I told him all the events of the night after the punch's effect had worn off on me. Jared was silent, his breathing patterns staggered. I continued to play with his fingers, looking up at him. He was red in the face, staring off at the ceiling.

"He kissed you?" Jared gritted through his teeth, which I nodded to, hiding my face into his chest. Tears began to fall from eyes, a guilty feeling overwhelming me. Although my cries were silent, I could feel my shoulders moving up and down.

"I'm so sorry Jared. I didn't mean for it to happen," I said into his t shirt, my words hardly audible due to how muffled and staggered they were.

"Megan, don't you dare cry over an asshole like that. None of it was your fault, why the hell are you apologizing?" Jared asked, lifting my head up, and moving the hair out of my face. He sat up, bring me up with him. "I don't blame you a single bit. If anything, you should also be mad at him for what he did to you."

"Who said I wasn't?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes as the tears stopped flowing. We laid down again, returning to the same cuddling position we were in just moments ago. I looked up at Jared, trying to smile through my tears. It was silent for a moment, the two of us staring into each other's eyes with an intensity that could've melted me if it was possible. It was silent as we had our moment, just continuing to stare.

"You are so beautiful," Jared mumbled, kissing the top of my head, "I am so glad my patience paid off." I just smiled, staring out the window of my room. A familiar car drove down the road, depressing love songs booming out of it. I caught a glimpse of Matt, looking broken as ever as he slowly rolled by my house. My eyes widened when the music was shut off, the car engine shutting down. The sound of the car locking making its way to my window.

"Shit," I cursed, quickly getting up. I stripped from my dress, pulling on a t shirt over my undergarments. The doorbell rang before I could pull on some pants, making me groan. I quickly slipped on some sweats, putting my hair into a messy bun.

"Are your parents home? I can go if you'd like-" Jared started.

"No, stay here," I told him, rushing to the front door. I opened the door, peering my face through the crack and praying to god that it wasn't him. But there he was, standing there in the middle of the rain. His hair was in strings, making him ten times hotter. I opened the door wider, and he stood there with a hopeful smile. As much as I hate to admit it, it made my heart flutter and my stomach erupt with butterflies.

"What do you want now?" I complained, hoping that Jared wouldn't come down out of curiosity.

"I told you what I want, I don't understand what actually happened." I looked at Matt with a fake smile, trying my hardest not to roll my eyes.

"Matt, how much clearer can I make this? I want NOTHING to do with you."


"But you told me-"

"Why are you not comprehending this? I don't want you in my life anymore."

Another lie.

"I get that, but-"

"MATT WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?" I yell out in frustration, beginning to rub my temples. I could feel a headache coming on. "Look, you had your chance, and now it's gone. Just get let it go."

Not a lie.

It was silent for a moment, neither one of us talking. I could tell that inside his mind he was working up a reply for me. Then, he looked at me and sighed in defeat.

"I wish you'd just... give me another chance. I broke up with Kayla when I realized that I had made a huge mistake. I want to be with you Megan because I still love you." I looked down at my fingers, twiddling my thumb. I looked up at him, seriousness filling my eyes.

"If you love me, I suggest you prove it." I stepped behind the door, beginning to close it. The rain was beginning to get into the house.

"Wait, but how do I do that?" I looked through the tiny crack between Matt and I, and smiled lightly.

"If you love me like you say you do, then you know how." And with that I shut the door, walking back towards my room. Jared was still laying in my bed, now fast asleep. I pulled the cover open, folding it to leave me some space to crawl in. I slipped off my pants, getting into bed beside me. I felt goosebumps begin to crawl up my legs, my body shivering a little. Jared wrapped his arms around me, his warmth heating up my body. I turned around and cuddled into his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso. I looked at the clock behind him: 10:42 pm.

I guess I could call it a night.


a/n SOOOO, that happened .~. I actually didn't intend on writing it this way, but there you go.

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TEASER: Jared and Megan go on a date

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