25 (pt. 1) ~

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  ♡ Megan's POV ♡


Today's the day, and it's all I could think about as I walked the halls of school. Posters were plastered all over the walls, a constant reminder that Matt had chosen Kayla over me. Not that I'm complaining, I have Jaden to take me.

Oh, who am I kidding. I miss Matt.

Jaden was at my side, holding my hand, and talking to me about how excited he was for tonight.

I tuned his voice out to look across the hall at Matt, who had his arms wrapped around Kayla's shoulders.  He had a big grin on his face as he laughed with his new friends, throwing his head back. His dimples were clearly marked, a blush on his cheeks from laughing. I really missed that laugh.

But Jaden's smile was just as contagious.

I'm so pathetic.

"I was thinking, how does Yogurtland sound before the dance?" I returned my gaze to Jaden, his eyes bright as he looked at me.

"I could go for some strawberry fro-yo," I agreed, squeezing his hand a little as we walked by Matt.

Matt's smile dropped slightly when he noticed me, his eyes drifting to the floor. My mood fell as Jaden let go of my hand and pulled me in by the shoulders. He gave me a side hug, rubbing my shoulder soothingly. I smiled at him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"He's an idiot for letting you go so easily," Jaden whispered, kissing the top of my head.

"We're not even friends at this point," I mumbled, standing up straight. I grabbed Jaden's hand again, shrugging. "But it doesn't matter, I have you."

He chuckled, blushing. We reached my classroom, and he pulled me into him in a tight hug and kissed the top of my head. "I'll see you later, baby girl."

I hugged him before walking through the classroom door. I went to my seat beside Connor, sighing in exhaustion.

Jaden, he's everything I've ever wanted. He knows exactly when I feel down and does everything in his power to cheer me up. He makes my heart do several flips, but Matt made my heart do a million flips a second.

But he's gone, and I need to accept that.

"So, how cute was the promposal?" Connor chuckled, rubbing the top of my head.

"Totally adorable," I grinned, leaning my head on his shoulder. I sat up again. "Can I ask you a question? And you have to be as totally honest as possible."

"What's up?" Connor asked, his eyebrows creasing in confusion.

"Who's idea was the whole thing?" Connor's smile was evident again.

"That was all Jaden, my dear." I widened my eyes and raised my eyebrows in surprise.


"Totally serious," he grinned. "The guy really does have strong feelings for you."

"Since the 7th grade, apparently," I chuckled. "4 years later we're kind of an item."

"Not officially, hun," Connor said, rubbing the top of my head again. I slapped his arm.

"Cut it out, that's my hair." The teacher walked in, holding up the stack of tests.

"Test time." He began handing them out, and I took out a pencil. The test was placed in front of me and I thanked him, writing my name and getting started.

Solve for x.

1) A building stands at a height of 300 m. The building beside it is 250m in height and has an angle depression of 37 degrees. What is the distance between the two buildings?

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