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a/n This isn't very typical of me to write a pov change, but I thought I'd give you a bit of intel into Jared's thoughts. I'm in love with the picture above hehehehe

Jared's POV

|| Friday, November 22, 2016 ||

a/n this is the position they're in

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a/n this is the position they're in.

"Go on a date with me tonight," I cheekily grinned down at her, running my hands through her hair. She smiled up at me, that glint in her eyes hardly there. I could tell she wasn't as happy as she used to be in the beginning of the relationship, yet I didn't want to let her go.

"I have plans. I'm sorry Jared," she frowned, looking into my eyes. I just stared down at her, searching in her eyes for, well anything.

"What happened? Did I do something wrong?" She looked at me, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Of course not. Everything is fine, at least for me," she trailed off, grasping my hand and squeezing it, "Is everything alright, Jared?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance; she acted so clueless. It was like she was completely oblivious to blowing me off numerous times.

"Just peachy," I grumbled, pulling my arms from around her. She sat up quickly, leaning onto her arms from behind her.

"What the hell is up with you?" she exclaimed, her expression showing hurt. "Seriously Jared, there's clearly something fishy going on, who pissed in your cereal this morning?"

"What's up with me? What's up with you? You've been acting so strange lately, always being so damn busy for me. What's going on, why am I being stood up over and over again?" I let out a breath after my rage, staring up at the ceiling. I felt her hand grab mine, intertwining our fingers.

"I'm so sorry." I nodded, smiling softly at her. I opened my arms, her head laying down on my chest with my arms around her tightly.

"I love you," I mumbled, holding her in my arms. I watched as her head tilted up towards me, her eyes widened.

"You just said-"

"I love you. Yes, Megan, I love you so much. More than you'll ever know. But can you blame me? Look at you. You're so perfect in my eyes, ever since we were freshmen at that hell hole. You were my joy, and you still are. I love you, Megan Rose Austin, I love you. I love you. I love you." It took a while, but eventually her eyes lit up and a smile grew big on her face.

She brought her lips to my own, her hands cupping my face. Our lips moved in sync as she crawled up so that our faces were leveled. She hovered over me, one hand beside me, hoisting herself up, the other on my cheek. I held her by the waist, my hands slipping up her shirt, and running my hands down her bare back. Her hands were yanking on my shirt, our lips separating for a split second to remove both mine and her own. Our heated makeout session went on for a little bit, and when we finally pulled away, we were both out of breath.

"I," she was hesitant, a smile creeping its way onto her face, "I love you too." My smile was even bigger, our lips connecting again for a few seconds before we officially pulled away. I stared up at her beautiful face, tucking a strand of her wavy, dark brown hair behind her ear.

"You're so beautiful," I said, staring into her eyes, and it was true. She blushed, tucking her face into the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her, one of my hands caught in her long hair.

"And you're so sexy," she mumbled into my chest, making me laugh.

"How about Monday?" I asked. She looked up at me, a bit confused. "For our date. Can I take you out Monday?"

She nodded, biting her lip. "Most definitely on Monday."


a/n IM SO SORRY IT WAS SO SHORT. I just wasn't so sure what more I could add, so I ended it here. I love you guys :))))

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- megan

TEASER: Someone's heart is about to be broken, and it isn't Megan's.

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