Chapter 1

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Lila's POV

It's been a week since my parents told me I am going to  GY Academy. They said I didn't have a choice, and they were so sorry. They said I'd be moving to an old city in London, and I couldn't tell anyone.

It's the worst week of my life. Elle started sobbing when I told her, and I can't bring myself to get up for school. Mom didn't blame me, and would bring me my meals. She keeps apologizing, but I don't think she realizes how much it hurts that I have to leave my whole life behind and in only a month.

Now, I'm laying in by the fireplace staring at the TV. It's been playing TLC all day, and I've been absorbed into it. The more I think, the angrier I get that they would do this too me.

I clench my fists, and grab my pillow to yell in. This is where is starts.

As my hands close around the pillow, I feel a rush of heat. The pillow turns to a pile of ash in my hands.

I scream louder than I ever think I have before. Mom runs in,"Darling what's wrong!" Her face is flushed as she wraps her arms around my shaking body.

"Mom... I- it just burned in my hands."
She stares at the pile of ash,"Well, um." Her eyes widen,"Maybe you were just too close to the fire?" She says, more a question than an explanation.

I hold my head in my hands. Of course , it's the most logical explanation.

"Mom, I'm going to go to the mall. Do you have any cash?" She searches her pockets, coming up empty handed.

She frowns, then runs to the kitchen. As she's searching for something, I notice a glint in the pile. Making sure moms occupied, I grab the object.

In my hands, I hold a red necklace with red gems, that emit heat.

Tessa POV

Its been a week since I learned my parents were sending me to GY Academy. I couldn't believe they did this, taking me away from all my friends. Mom let me stay home to take care of myself.

Now, I'm sitting in my giant tub, soaking. My phone rings, Cristal. I haven't had the heart to tell her, so I answer.

"Hey Tess! Where have you been! We are all missing you!" She exclaims happily, though I can tell she is  concerned. "Just not feeling well. Must be a bug," I fake a cough,"I'll be back any day now!"

She sighs in the phone,"Ok girlie, get better quick so we can go shopping! Love ya!" I smile,"Love ya!"

She hangs up.

I breath... shopping. That seems like something to get my mind off of you know what. I drain the tub, dry off, and change into black leggings, a dark blue scarf and sweater, and black uggs. I pull my hair back in a ponytail, grab my purse and go towards the door.

My cat jumps up on the shelf by the door and knocks over a pile of unwanted papers. I shoot her a look and pick up the papers.

I scream as they erupt in flames in my hands. I fall backwards in shock. That, had to be my mind, right? I shakily stare at the pile of ash.

This is in my head, right? I see a glint in the pile, and pick something up. A red necklace with red gems, that almost seem to be warm.


The Flame Commons is about 20 minutes away, so I grab a caramel frappucino on the way there. Anything to distract me from what just happened.

Although odd, I decided to put on the necklace. It seemed like I had to, I can't explain it.

My car pulls into the jam-packed mall, searching for a parking spot among the hundreds of cars. It pulls into a space towards the back, and I waste no time parking and climbing from the vehicle. I walk briskly through the street, entering through the crowded food court. 

The place is filled with a variety of people, mostly teenagers, running, laughing, and joking with one another. The noise ebbs the thoughts itching at the back of my mind. 

My feet naturally bring to one place that was always serene, an old candy shop my dad and I used to go to, when I was younger. He would always let me fill a bag to the brim with whatever candies I could possibly desire, and no matter what, he'd always get them all. Dad spoils me, but it is all because he cared so much about my happiness. 

The aroma from the shop is the same as always, sweet chocolate and freshly baked cookies. A smile creeps up my cheeks as I look around, feeling nostalgic. I remember each and every treat, having devoured every individual flavor and type. 

As I'm browsing, another girl wonders in. 


Another girl, with the same fiery hair, light eyes, height, shape and necklace walks in. 

I suck in a breath, praying that this could only be a coincidence...right? She walks by the bags filled with gummies, fiddling with them, before choosing a small bag of worms. 

I shake my head, not wanting her to notice my staring, and bring my attention back to the sweets in front of me. My hands graze across the treats, before picking out a bag of caramels. I quickly approach the checkout line, not noticing as I bump into someone. 

The girl and I hit elbows, and a spark ignites between us. We both hump back, stunned by the scene.

"S-sorry," she stutters, shuffling over to another counter. 

A shiver runs through my body. Things have been so peculiar lately, maybe I am not the only person noticing. 

"Ehem," the cashier clears her throat, extended her skinny arm towards me. 

"Oh, sorry ma'am." I press a five dollar bill to her fingers, "Keep the change." 

I run out of the store as quickly as possible, without drawing unneeded attention. Over time, everywhere I go, this girl start popping up. 

Why does everything seem to go up in flames around me?

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