Chapter 26(last chapter)

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We stand in front of the school. The whole teenage student body is ready. I stand in the front, near the administration. I dont know how this all happened so fast. One year we are learning we are twins with gifts the next we are fighting for our lives.

"We are getting a message. Targets are approaching." The Dean says. I light myself, turning into the beast I once thought would ruin my life. This is the last battle.

"How many?" I ask.
"Unsure. Atleast a few dozen."

Well, it looks like they are bringing the whole prison. I can do this.

I can see in the far off distance, a variety of fire and earth and every power I could think off.

"Healers, stay back! Come to those who need it!" I yell. I won't need it.

The first person I see. Tessa.
I don't have a choice.
Yes you do.
Trust me. I dont.

She locks eyes with me.
I'm sorry.

It begins.

The front line charges forward, we all are assigned to a different group. I head towards I can see that has ice.

The first one I see is a large man, with scarily big muscles. That'll be a challenge. He runs towards me,"YOU ARE NOT GOING TO WIN THIS LITTLE ONE."
"Try me asshole."

He tries to throw a giant block of ice but it melts at my touch. He looks at his hands, giving me an opportunity to sweep his feet out from under his legs.

He yells, and scrambles to get up. I place my foot on his chest, and he screams at the heat.

"Go. Before it gets worse." I warn.
He crawls away, his leg bruises severely. I never intended on killing anyone, just maybe seriously injuring.

All of the sudden I feel like rock slams into my back. I crumble to ground, screaming.

I hear a woman laughing,"That was easy!" I push it off of my back, and manage to get up.

"I can't even..." I say.
She laughs again,"Oh please, a teenager? What are you gonna do? Talk my e-" I stop her by blasting a flame in her face.

"That was easy!" I mimic.

Then I see her. Mom. She locks eyes with me. But, it doesn't look cruel. It looks... sympathetic.

Hello darling.

I roll my eyes, I'm not your darling.

She frowns,"I am your mother. Shouldn't you respect me?" She asks as she approaches.

"Uh... the mother trying to kill my school? I think not!" I yell, punching her in the stomach.

She hunches over, groaning,"That wasn't very nice."
"I know."

She jumps up quickly, trying to punch my head and misses. I grab her arm and twist it backwards.

"Mom I dont want to hurt you."
"Well I'm sorry Lila."
She blasts me back with a force so hard I go flying into rock. My head hits it, and I feel blood.

"I got you." Someone whispers. Naomi. She puts her hand on me, rejuvenating my strength and healing my bruises and cuts. This is going well.

Mom walks up to me,"How...That blast could've put you in a coma." She throws a punch, slamming into my shoulder. I wince, but retaliate, kicking her chest and making her fall over.

"Can't tell yah, it's my little secret." I say with a wink.

She looks at me with a face of anger, pure anger, and charges towards me. I grab her leg and pull it out, making her fall. "Lila why won't you listen to me, to us. Being good is terrible. There is no power, no worth in being like that. Don't you want to be with us?" She pleads, pulling herself to a stance.

She lunges at my stomach, but only hits the side, knocking me off balance. "Because I am smart. And-" my words are stopped by something dragging me, harsh. I fall to the ground, and look up to see Tessa.

"Lila give up. It's not worth it anymore." She says. Her eyes... something is wrong. The flames. They are black.

I make my way to a standing position,"Tessa. What's wrong."

That's not me.

My eyes widen. The body, whatever it is if it's not Tessa, yells,"Shut up!"
Lila please believe me. Someone is in my body.

I grab the bodies head and slam it to the ground,"Get out of her!"

I do. I know it isn't you.
Thank you. You have to knock her out. It is the only way to give me my body back.
I promise. I will.

I turn to the imposter,"What are you?"
It kicks my knees down, making me fall. "Tina. Of course." I smirk,"Really? What's your name?"

I get up, and back up to the rock. Naomi grabs my hand from behind, and I feel energy flow through me.

Lila please, it's dark here. I'm scared.

"Like I said. My name is Tessa. Shouldn't you know your own sister?" It says.

I jump onto it,"I do!"

With one pull, I grab it's head and slam it into a rock. I swear it sounds like demonic screams coming from Tessa's body.

I back away, watching as a black aura rises from it. I dont know what happens, but everyone stops. Well, everyone but the people from our school.

People watch in astonishment as a similar aura rises from every prisoner in the yard. They all collapse.

I run up to Tessa, shaking her. "Tessa come on. Tessa please wake up!" I yell.

She is limp. Her chest still. "Tessa come on. I know you are in there."
I see a small movement. No, that was me.

Tears begin to flow down mg face. This can't be happening. It will not happen. "TESSA" I scream.

I lay my head against her chest. My tears pouring on her chest. Breath Tessa. Breath.

Then it happens. I feel the rhythm under my head. In. Out.

"Tessa?" I ask. "L-Lila?" She stutters. I drag her up. "TESSA YOU'RE ALIVE!" I squeeze her in a hug.

It was that moment I decided to never let her slip through my arms again. 

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