Chapter 8

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Finally, the come back over the intercom. I feel like I'm gonna be sick. "Attention all passengers." That rough breath again,"You are now free to get up from your assigned cubicles. Exercise caution when moving around. Thank you." a couple clicks and it's off. I hold my breath as I unstrap, and stumble to the bathroom. 

I gag, this might be the worst first plane ride ever. I hear my door open,"Hello? Is anyone in here?" a girl voice says. I groan in response, and gag again. She opens the door, and has a pitying look on her face. 

"Hi, I'm Nadia, do you need help?" Nadia asks. I nod, and stand up shakily. She looks sweetly into my eyes, and touches my arm. Suddenly, I pull in a breath of clean air and my body feels cleansed. 

She smiles again,"Yah... I have healing powers." She says. I smile, "Thank you so much, this was my first plane ride. My name is Lila." We shake hands, and walk out of the bathroom. Nadia has dark brown skin and black wavy hair. Her eyes are light blue, very different. "What is your power?" she questions. 

We start walking down the narrow aisle outside the rooms. "I have fire powers. Well, me and my twin. I really want to find her." I explain. Her face brightens,"Oh! Is her name T-Tina? T-" I stop her,"Her name is Tessa, yah. Do you know where she is?" 

She nods,"Follow me!" I happily follow her to the back of the plane, where we go into her room. I see her snuggled in the chair. 

"Tessa!" I exclaim. She squeals, and jumps  into my arms. "Lila! How are you?"she asks. I frown,"Not so great with my dad, but I'm glad we get a new start." She nods,"I totally agree. I maybe, might've burnt my ex best friends wrists to blisters." 

I gasp,"Tessa! You have to be careful!" She stares at her feet,"I-I know. It was an accident." Tessa looks back up,"Oh hey! You met Nadia!" I smile,"Yah, she helped me get over my first flight sickness." 

Nadia steps up,"Do you guys want to go meet some other of the students?" She asks. "Of course!" Tessa and I say at the same time. We all giggle, then get going. 

We go to the room across from Tessa's first. Nadia knocks,"Who is it?" A guys voice says. "Just some friends who want to meet you." Tessa says. We hear footsteps, and the boy opens the door. 

He has dark blue eyes, white hair, and incredibly pale skin. "Hi, come in." He says, and we pack into the cubicle. "I'm Aaron. I'm 17, and can control snow." he says, twirling snowflakes in his hands. 

Nadia giggles,"I'm sorry, my first thought was a guy Elsa." Aaron chuckles, "Yah, I get that a lot. What about you guys?" Nadia steps up first,"My name is Nadia, I'm 16 and have healing powers." She says. He nods,"That's awesome, I got this gnarly  scratch on my arm, can you heal it?" He asks, pulling up his sleeve. She laughs, placing her hands on his arm. 

I'm amazed as the scratch sparkles, and when she removes her hands it's all healed. He glances at it,"Sweet! Now what's with the redhead twins over here?" he asks, gesturing to Tessa and I. 

I smile at Tessa. "Fire." we say in unison, grabbing hands. Our skin flickers into ash, and our hair flows freely above us. He gawks,"That's amazing!" I laugh, "I'm glad someone doesn't call me a freak for this." 

Tessa looks into my eyes 'Me too'. No one else reacts. "Did you say something?" I ask Tessa. She tilts her head,"No, I thought something though." I let go of her hand, and back up. "What's the big deal?" Nadia asks. 

"I-I just heard Tessa's thoughts." I stutter. Aaron raises an eyebrow,"Yah, so? That happens to all twins with powers." I let out a breath I didn't know  was holding,"That was the first time it's happened with us!" Tessa says.

"Come on guys, we should go meet a few more people." Nadia suggests. We all agree, and head a little farther down the hall to a smaller door. Aaron knocks. We don't hear anything for a moment, but then a big thump and an 'umph' 

A cute girl, with purple wavy hair, violet eyes and a very petite stature, answers,"Hi! I'm Molli! Who are you guys?" she greets, clearly excited. I laugh,"Us fire monsters are Tessa and Lila, we are twins."  say, motioning to both of us. 

She giggles,"You don't look like monsters. You look like beautiful fire princesses." 

I grin uncontrollably,"How old are you Molli?" I ask. "I'm 10 years old. I'm part fairy!" she exclaims. I'm dazzled as she twirls in a circle, and her body is surrounded by a purple cloud. In a rush of wind, she's 6 inches tall and has magnificent purple wings. I gasp, "That's amazing! I thought fairies were only in fairy tales!" 

She giggles again,"Nope! What about you two, what are your powers?" She asks, spinning back around as her body returns to  normal. 

"I'm Nadia, I'm 16 and I can heal people." She says. "And I'm Aaron. In kid terms, I'm guy Elsa." He says, adorning her head with an ice crown that sparkles like a thousand diamonds. 

She gasps, and runs to give him a hug. "Thank you so much Aaron! I feel like a princess!" She squeals. I smile. Maybe this whole having powers thing will be better with friends like this.

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