Chapter 16

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We grab our bags and find our way to the next building over for Miss. Judge, power controlling.

The halls are a little less frantic, but still people are shooting around like wildfire.

There are more people in this class, maybe 30 or so. Instead of a classroom, it's a big gymnasium seperated into different sections. Seemingly, each section is designated for one power. The first people we recognize is Karli and Molli.

Once they spot us, the run over giggling. "Lila!" "Tessa!" They exclaim. I smile, hugging the beyond enthusiastic girls. "How was your first class?" I ask them.

Molli immediately seems more grim,"It was awful. That teacher was terrible." I laugh,"I thought that about many of my teachers, only one ended up being that bad all year."

She shrugs,"I don't know. He's pretty terrible." Tessa and I laugh. I remember acting like that when I was younger.

It takes a while for everyone to get here. Once the bell rings, Miss. Judge walks to the front of class. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, you should know who I am. I will be teaching your power controlling class. I myself have super strength."

Miss. Judge grabs a kid from the front and picks him up with one hand. She examines everyone in the room for reactions. I feel like I should cower back in her presence.

"We will be dividing you into groups based on powers. Each power has a different room you will be learning control in. This class should be an easy A as long as you aren't lazy." She claps her hands,"Got it?"

We all nod, or mutter acknowledgement under our breath.

"Great! Now, we will be demonstrating powers, as you will be in all your classes today. We will start with..." her eyes scan the room,"Wonder twins over there." She points to Tessa and I.

I nervously walk forward, Tessa steps behind me. Miss. Judge gives us a curious glance as we walk up. "Say, aren't you the Bastil twins? Like, with the you- know- what parents?"

Tessa snorts,"Yah, there's no problem right?" There is some thing almost cold in her voice. Miss. Judge gives her a terrifying look, but she doesn't respond.

I speak up for the two of us. "We both individually have fire powers." I say. We each snap a finger and spark flames in our hands.

"But, when we are together, this happens." We grab hands, and I feel the familiar morph of my skin to ash and eruption of my hair to fire.

Every one gawks, and some even look scared. That part disturbs me.

"Ok girls." Miss. Judge says, gesturing for us to return to our seats." We let go of each other's hands, but for some reason we don't go back to normal.

"Girls, I said it was over" she emphasizes again. Tessa and I exchange worried glances.

"It won't stop." We say. Someone from the back walks up to us. "Maybe you need to be extinguished." She says.

The girl has light blue hair, blue eyes and almost scaled skin. It is also tinted with blue.

She grabs both of our hands,and suddenly I feel a jolt of cold. Not like ice, but like when you splash your face with cool water after a run.

I breath in, and close my eyes. I get dizzy for a second, but then me and Tessa both return to normal.

Miss. Judge eyes us both, like we are aliens. I find that offensive, we all have powers here.

"On that note," the girl says, spinning to face everyone,"My name is Elena. I'm part mermaid. And no, mermaids aren't those beautiful maidens with long sparkly tails, that you would expect." She seems set on getting that part ingrained in our minds.

"I have a human mom and mermaid dad. We are usually covered in scales, and do have tails, but I'm only part mermaid, so I don't have that luxury ... of sorts. We can, unlike The Little Mermaid, control water too. And I can breath underwater for a while."

She demonstrates a little by creating a bubble of water around her head. She smiles adorably. Honestly, shes kinda cute!

I heard that! You like Elena! I'm so gonna be your wingwoman! I mentally curse Tessa for our stupid gift, now I know she will bother me endlessly.

What! She's cute! I smile at Tessa. She wiggles her eyebrows and I giggle. Someone else has gone up to demonstrate, but I can't be bothered to care who.

Tessa keeps babbling to me about how Elena and I would be a cute couple and thinking my ear off. Isn't there a way to like, turn this off?

Finally, it's Karli's turn, so Tessa stops talking for her. She goes up and does the little introduction, charming everyone as usual.

"Do you want to see me fly?" She says excitedly. A few people answer with 'Absolutely' or 'Sure sweetie'

Karli smiles and spins in a circle, the blue sparkly cloud surrounding her.

When she gets to fairy size, she flies around everyone. She dissapears for a second, then pulls Elena out from the crowd. It's so adorable seeing her little fairy self pulling on Elenas finger.

Once they get upfront Karli squeaks,"Ready for a new hairdo?" Elena shrugs, giggling a little.

Karli smiles like an angel and throws a handful of her sparkles at Elenas hair. Her head is covered in a blue cloud for a second before emerging sparkly blue and beautiful, even more than before.

Karli flies back over, and Elena walks back, gawking at her new hair. I guess its the little things that are making this school so great.

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