Chapter 13

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I pack up a loaf of bread, and close the basket. Nadia, Aaron, Molli, Chris, Audrey, Tessa, Karli and I decided that, it being the last free day before classes start, we could have a picnic in the school gardens.

The lunch ladies provided us with ingredients for the picnic, and we got permission from Mr. Capaldi to reserve part of the gardens for us.

Tessa grabs a huge blanket and puts it in her bag, and grabs a few water bottles. "Are you ready to head down?" I ask, grabbing my phone, and putting it in my pocket.

She nods,"The others should already be there."

We walk out and lock the door behind us. The elevators are packed, so I lead her down through the flights of stairs.

"Hey Tess, I've been meaning to ask, what did mom ask you at the prison?" I question, trying to fit it in casually.

Her breath hitches,"Eh, erhm. She just wanted me to look after you. She thought that since I had such a more extravagant life, that I could help you with stuff at school. You know, others bullying and what not. Cause, you know. I have more experience." She says.

You cant deny knowing she is lying, but I figure it was just something important. She can keep a few secrets, everyone has them.

"Oh ok. That was nice I guess." I reply, hopping over the last few steps. I open the door and I am greeted by a cool breeze. There is still a fresh layer of snow near the entrance.

As we step through the gate to the garden, I am blown by a warm wind, and there seems to be a border between the cool weather and warm garden.

"This is beautiful!" Tessa says, stroking the petals of a rose. I just nod, taking in the sights around me. I seem absorbed until I realize with my coat and scarf I'm starting to sweat in the garden air.

I slip them off, and we follow the voices. Everyone is sitting on stone benches, waiting for us to arrive.

"Lila! Tessa!" The names are chorused around us as I get bear hugged by two fairies.

Karli stares at the basket. "Can we please start eating!" I laugh,"Someones hungry!" She giggles, spinning a little,"Sorry!"

Tessa sets out the blanket, and I start pulling everything out. Molli tosses everyone a water bottle, and I cut the bread for sandwiches. Tessa chose ham, turkey, cheddar and provolone for the sandwiches, so I set each pack by the bread.

Audrey pulls out a little box with Mac and cheese inside. "Mmmm." My stomach grumbles. Nadia has a bowl of fruit salad, and once everything is out we serve each other.

"It's so gorgeous in here." Nadia says, putting a scoop of fruit salad on the plate. Chris nods,"This is nothing like what we had in New York."

I smile,"We basically only have Winter and Summer in Indiana."

Molli pipes up,"We had gorgeous weather in Orlando. Plus, we had season passes to Disney!"

We laugh. She's adorable. The whole being a fairy part makes it so much better and cuter. Tessa thinks, nudging me. And she has her own little fairy BFF! Karli and her are cute friends.

She smiles. Aaron declares it's time to eat by standing up and looking like an army general,"I do hereby decree it is thou art time to take part in the indulgences." He says.

Everyone bursts into giggles. We finally begin eating, not having to use words to fill the air. Everything around us is so perfect, nobody wants to break the silence except for the quiet munching of sandwiches and unscrewing of lids.

I try to focus on chewing, savoring each bite.

"Is this the breakfast club over here? Group of misfits?" A male says from behind us. I twist around to see a guy about my age. He has dark skin and black hair.

We all stand up, ready for defense,"And I should feel offended by you why?" I smirk, looking him up and down. He gives me a dirty look, and snaps. His skin morphs into dirt, and he pulls a chunk of earth from the ground.

We all laugh, are bullies here really trying to threaten us with their powers? Hello! We are all gifted here! I grab Tessa's hand and we erupt. The girls turn into their fairy form, and this bully shrinks back.

"Its... it's you guys! Those monsters children?" He says, turning back to normal. I tilt my head, wondering what makes him think he can talk about our parents like that.

"They aren't monsters. At least not completely. And what makes you think we are corrupt? Are you scared?" Tessa taunts. Aaron steps up,"Yah, these girls are amazing. You have no idea what you're talking about. Who are you anyways?"

"My name is Stephen. And yes, I do think you will become corrupt. You'd have to being related to them." He says coldly.

I am like a boiling pot about to tip over, and I resist the urge to burn his arms off. "That's what you think Stevie. Why are you here anyways?" I ask, not expecting a worthy answer.

He walks around,"Oh, you know, the Dean asked me to come get you. We are having an assembly in the cafeteria. You have ten minutes." He says.

"Why are you such a meanie?" Molli asks. Tossing a ball of purple sparkles at him. It bursts in glitter on his face. He coughs,"Oh please. I'm better than most people at this school."

Karli buzzes in his face,"Your such a... such a jerk!" She squeals, throwing more blue glitter in his hair.

He coughs again, trying to wipe it off. Molli and Karli twirl back to full size. They giggle,"Sorry Stevie! That stuff takes weeks to come off." Karli smiles.

I cover my mouth to keep from laughing. He yells in anger, and stomps off like a hormonal 13 year old.

We burst out laughing,"Nice one girls!" They smile giddily. "Well I guess we better clean up and get to the assembly." Chris says, putting the food away with his mind. I gotta say, that looks so much weirder in real life that in movies.

We head out, eager to move on from perhaps the most awkward moment since we've gotten here. 

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