Chapter 7

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Lila's POV

I grab both my boxes and bag and put it in the backseat of my car. Mom said she can't be seen with me on the way to the airport.

She gave explicit instructions to pull into the back of the airport, follow the man with the sign that reads,"GY", and follow any instructions they give me from there.

After loading my things into the car, I walk inside. Mom and Dad stand by the door, and I can tell she is about to cry.

My eyes start to tear up as they walk over to me. "Oh mama, don't cry! I'll see you soon enough right? Spring break?"

She doesn't reply, just wraps me in a hug and let's her sobs flow. I let a few tears out, but try to stay strong.

"I love you so much baby. Stay safe." She whispers, letting me go to give my goodbyes to Dad. He gives a nod, and kisses my forehead. "I'll miss you darling."

I shoot him a look,"Yah, cause you don't  have to deal with a freak daughter." I mutter under my breath.

He raises an eyebrow,"Nothing. I love you guys. Goodbye." I push out in one breath. I walk out the door, and pull out as fast as possible. Driving a full hour to the airport leaves a girl a lot of time to contemplate on your thoughts.

I still am so angry, more than sad, I am being sent across the ocean to a place I won't know anyone at. More than that, I'm so anxious to know if this GY Academy has anything do deal with these powers I've developed.

I seriously feel like I'm in a comic book. If you would've asked me a month ago, I would have said there is no way in hell that super powers were real.

Now all my thoughts revolve around it, and I'm itching to find out where they could've come from. Of course, I also want to know what the purpose of the necklace Tessa and I both found the first time we burned something.

Suddenly, as I'm absorbed in these thoughts, a driver cuts me off and I slam on my breaks. I become angry, even if I don't want to. I stick my head out the window,"Hello! Someones here!" I scream, and flip him off.

I have to open my window to let out the smoke in my hair. It will be so difficult to control this anger.

Luckily, in being swept up in my own mind, I'm already pulling into the airport. I follow my mom's directions, and pull in to the back area of the airport.

The man with the GY sign sees me before I see him, and rushes over. "Miss Jones?" He asks. I nod, and open the door for him to grab the boxes. He loads them onto a crowded trolley, and leads me to a private runway. I only see maybe a dozen people walking into a smaller plane.

The man orders me to a small line of other people, with scared, excited, all kinds of emotions, splayed across their faces.

I grab my purse, and fall in line. Once I make it into the plane, a younger looking woman takes my hand. "Please follow me Miss Jones." She says a a quiet, squeaky voice.

I smile, and she gives me a small one back. She grabs my arm, and leads me through a small aisle with another room every two meters or so. She stops me right before the farthest door, and slips into the room.

I hear some sort of spray, and then she comes back out. "Here you go, Miss Jones. We will be having a GYA associate come in to talk to you in a few minutes. Until then, please strap in, and your cubicle is equipped with a bathroom, TV and sustenance as needed." She cites the words as if they are coming directly from a textbook.

I thank her, and walk into the small area.  It really is small, a little bathroom and sink, a cabinet of sorts with snacks and drinks inside.  The chair sits in the middle, a normal plane chair. The TV is very small, and sits atop a little stand.

"Ok Lila. A nine hour flight flight in here. Not hard. You can do this." I give myself a pep talk.

I hear a screetchy noise, and the intercom comes on,"Attention all passengers." - a slight pause, and rough breathing - "You need to get strapped into your seats. We will tell you when we are high enough in the air to get up. And when we are, I'd like to recommend you go meet some new folks, and explain why you are here. Trust me, you'll want to. For now, everybody strap in, and get ready for a bumpy take off." A few clicks, and the intercom turns off.

My thoughts are already racing as I sit down in my chair. What could they mean "You'll want to"? Maybe some of the others know what GY Academy, and for hecks sake, what does GY stand for?

My worrying is interrupted by the roaring of the plane engine, and we start down the runway. I tighten my buckle, hug my blanket and pray to God and will fall asleep. And I do.

Status update: please leave some comments on how I'm doing right now! Please and thank you!

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