For Every Woman Part 3

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Today's Topic: Chasing Your Dreams/Never Loosing Passion

Fear,low self esteem and many other things prevent us from chasing our dreams and loosing the passion we have for them.

We often feel like, well "I can never be a doctor, I ain't got the brains" or " I can't own my own business" or something of the sort. But every dream that is planted in us, God gave it to you for a reason.

Take me for example. For years I thought about the things I've been through, and I always prayed and told God, " In any way that I can prevent this from happening to someone else, give me the knowledge, give me the wisdom and the resources to do so".

Since I was sixteen, I have always had the dream of creating a foundation or some other way to reach out to people, but mainly women of all ages, because I realised I have a PASSION to help you guys. But my insecurities came in, and I started to think, well maybe I shouldn't do that because I'm not perfect, I can't help someone else because I'm just as broken,or I'm just as hopeless. But I forced myself to stop thinking like that because :

1. It's my passion
2.Its my dream
3. I love helping people
4. I can't let the devil stop me from bringing positivity in this crazy world we live in.

Thankfully I moved passed that and now I'm here, making my dream a reality with this book.

You see it's not about "if you have what it takes" it's about "I know I have what it takes" because it's my dream, and I love it!, I have a passion for it. The only way a dream does not come through if God decides that it's a no. God doesn't want you to feel as if your dream wasn't good enough, it just may lead you to a path that he does not want you in.

Yes we may have obstacles and challenges we face that discourages us, but that should motivate you to keep going, because nothing good comes easy. Notice that every successful person, or someone who created something that has taken the world by force and has contributed to making better, always had trials and errors. But their PASSION for that DREAM pushed them to keep going until they got it right. It's never about how you start, but it's about how you finish!

Growing up, my father used to decorate for various functions around the country, but mainly weddings. Seeing this growing up, made me fall in love with weddings and interior design. Although my interior design dreams are on hold, my love for weddings still went on. In high school I would take all the subjects that had art involved because it was my PASSION. In 9th grade, that's when we had to choose the subjects that we wanted to do based on our career choice or what we liked. At that point , it made me think about what in the world do I want to do?

Some time in that year I stumbled upon a show called My Fair Weddings by David Tutera. When I saw that show that's when it clicked and that was when I made my decision, I want to be a wedding planner. That dream for weddings has now got me to where I am now, studying Event Management.

See like I said before, our passions and our dreams are not just something that popped out no where. It is actually Gods plan for us. It will always fall into place because he knows what you want , he knows what you need.

Ladies don't let what people say about you or what people say about your dreams when you express them, allow you to just drop it. Keep your head high and do it!

I don't care what it is, if it's a hair stylist, a teacher, a dj whatever it is. If it's YOUR dream and YOUR PASSION , EMBRACE IT , LOVE IT. Make it your duty to make it a reality.

Don't let set back bring you down. Don't let someone's jealousy scare you from being you and doing the best you can do. Even if it's your parents that is against it, you prove to them that yes it's gonna work out!

I talk about my father a lot I notice, 😂😂, that's because he tells way too many stories. But anyway, he is now an art teacher, and art has always been his passion. On the side while he was in school,he would make art pieces to sell and make money. My grandmother thought he was wasting time and that it was stupid for him to be making the art pieces . But after my father sold enough for him to buy her a house,that's when she then turned around and apologised.

On that note I end it! 😂 that's all the info you need. It's your PASSION and It's your DREAM. It is never stupid, and it will always benefit you and the world around you

Love you my Queens!, Stay blessed 😘✊🏽

Don't forget to vote, comment and share with a friend! I hope this helped! ❤️

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