For Every Woman Part 20

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Today's Topic: The Modern Woman and Women Empowerment.

Women today are way more independent and are claiming more opportunities, thanks to the efforts of previous generations.

In work, school and even at home, society has planted a certain 'image' that we must follow and go by. They expect us to dress a certain way, do certain things and not want push ourselves for certain jobs because 'mentally and physically' we cannot execute what is expected for the position.

But who made these decisions? Who said that we as women should be seen a certain way or should do certain things. God made us all with different personalities and abilities, so why is it , all women are labelled to do the same things and to behave a certain way, just because of gender?

As long as you are living and you have a gift, nothing can stop you for going out and doing that thing that society forbids us from. They do not control you, you have these God given gifts for a reason.

Do not be afraid to be a woman and work in any field and independently move forward. There is more to you than just reproducing and cleaning up after people. Gender should not determine how things work, but it should create a balance in teamwork in any area.

If we have a male dominated world, nothing will be fairly done. Women are there to give another opinion and make things fair. Women are here to step forward and continue push each other.

God made each gender unique, but he made them separate for a reason. So as women, let's stand up and bring our ideas to the table. Yes there will be challenges and people against us, but with God everything and anything is possible.

Go out there and get that degree, even if mainly males take it by force. Show the world that gender does not determine who you are, your gifts and passion does.

Make sure that you let the people who speak against you, be forced to respect you, because you let them see your work and not your gender.

Let us carry ourselves with grace and respect. When we do that that's when people will start to do the same. If we carry ourselves loose, we will be treated loose. If we disrespect ourselves, we surely will receive it.

Ladies today, I urge you and encourage you to not let mind games and your enemies destroy you. Trust God, cast all your cares and worries on him, and everything will fall into place.

Have a wonderful night/day. Do not forget to vote comment and share with a friend. And also do not be afraid to ask questions ❤️❤️

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