For Every Woman Part 31

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Today's Topic: Sweet Dream

Okay lovelies part 31 👀👀👀. I'm going up y'all 😁.

Sweet Dream, confusing topic as most of my topics have been. However, this topic in particular is talking about just how sweet and amazing your dreams and goals are.

As humans we all have that dream that we really want to see come true. We all have that thing that we want to see come to past. The whole point is, you have to remember just how much flavour is in it.

In life we have various tastes, taste in clothes, television shows, men whatever it is. The same applies to our dreams, they are created and based on our tastes. What we are interested in triggers our senses, it pushes our imagination to form and articulate something that will portray exactly what we want the world to see.

Dreams can vary from people having a specific career they see themselves doing, to just simply a short term life goal. A dream is the stepping stone to who we are and what we can be. It reflects us, and gives us the sweet aroma and flavour that makes us quite unique.

Now that I've talked about how important our dreams are and just how important the flavour is.. let's talk about where exactly it stems from.

Desire = Dreams

Yeah I know, tastes and interests sounds very similar or exactly like our desires. But here's the difference. Desire is something that we crave to achieve, tastes and your interests may change based on experience.

Desire = Dreams but our tastes propels our dreams. What we desire is to see ourselves grow, to see ourselves in a positive position or atmosphere. Our tastes is the creative part, the place where we explore and experience life. After the experience we have, it allows us to use our interests and tastes to create a unique way to present it.

So that means Desire = Dreams powered by (tastes and interests) = A masterpiece for success/ Sweet Dream.

Once we know that this is exactly what it is, this is indeed the Sweet Dream that you want to come to life, do not loose it. Refuel and feed yourself to more ideas. If a dream does not turn out to be what you want it to be,do not stop there. The whole point of  that experience is to see what should and should not be included in this recipe.

You are in charge of the mixing bowl, you are creating that sweet concoction that is about to shift the world into a positive direction. Every step you take to embrace your taste, your unique flavour and a Sweet Dream will be born.

That's it for this one you guys!!! Don't forget to vote and comment. Also share with a friend and tell them to do the same. I'm open for questions about this chapter, a previous chapter or just any random topic. Social media sites are on my profile and you can send me a personal message, I'm always up for a good conversation. Have a great day and productive rest of the week. Till next time! 😘😘😘

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