For Every Woman Part 30

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Today's Topic: I am a BIG deal!

Heyyy Ladies, another is chapter is about to hit you! 😁

I AM A BIG DEAL. What exactly does that mean? Well look at it like this. When you say you are big deal, it means that you have reason to believe that you mean so much to yourself and the people around you. Knowing that you are a big deal means that you are confident in who your are and what you believe in.

It means that you have a purpose and you are here to fulfil it in our own unique way, basically how you know to do it. This validation comes from our life experiences and a specific thing that made us realise it. For some it may be from something inspiring through a movie or a song. For some it could be from something they got involved in from childhood or adulthood.

This comes from evaluating yourself and seeing what you find the most appealing, what do you love the most about yourself. Look at what makes you unique and stand out as an individual. Look into the dreams and desires that you have and channel your inner lion in order to bring it to life. To let the world know just how much of a big deal you are, use the tools that you are comfortable with to appeal to people with similar interests. A lot of people limit themselves and think they are less than because of the methods and mediums that are more popular. Some limit themselves because they think they dont have an earthly thing to offer.

People allow stereotypes to conform them and trap them to things that they absolutely hate, but because they think they have no other choice they just float on by. Ladies listen to me, you are very important and it is up to you to show the world you are important. As I have said many times, be an example for someone else. Be yourself, love yourself and you will see the chain reaction it will cause. Spark a fire in someone else, help to see themselves for who they really are.

The moment I realised I was big deal was when I finally started to speak, YES SPEAK. If you are reading from the very beginning, I may have talked about how embarrassed I was to talk in class because it seemed as if everything I said was funny to people. There were a lot of things I tried to get involved in from that point, and I would end up with the same result. That continued to inflict fear and self hate towards myself. You can pretty much say I felt like a clown.

From then on I told myself, being at the fore front or in any type of role that would require people seeing my face was a no go. I always had that nagging feeling that I would never be taken serious and that I would get laughed at for everything.

But I got to the point where I stopped myself and looked at the things that I was doing to hold myself back from being who I know I am.

1. Misery loves company. The devil will use people against you to make you think that you cant do something God designed you specifically to do. Seeing yourself miserable is exactly what he wants to achieve.

2. I have purpose and I know that I need to be purpose driven in order to achieve my goals.

3. I have dreams, and ensuring that I make my dreams a reality will impact and change the lives of others for life.

4. I have a beautiful personality that is meant to be seen and known regardless of what anyone thinks. I am special, and I am the only one that can display CHARMONY for who she really is and what she is about.

5. Not everyone is like the few people that could not see my potential. There is a bigger and better world out there, and I will be heard by the right people and appreciated for the contribution I make.

Through this book, being bold enough to speak up in my classes and Uni, have what I say and do accepted and appreciated made me realise something. What makes me a BIG DEAL is my BIG HEART. For years I have constantly found myself unconditionally loving people.

Everything I get involved in is because I have the urge to help. I realised the situations I go through and what I encounter in my everyday life, is to testify to you all and teach you how to move forward when faced with similar circumstances. Love is what makes me a big deal, my creative thinking is what makes me a big deal.

Now I asked 4 beautiful women to come forward and state why they think they are a Big Deal, just to hear such an important topic from a different perspective.



"Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.

When people think of confidence and boldness the first thing which comes to mind is a vision of loudness, fiery attitude and boastfulness. What if confidence can also be embodied by humility? I consider myself a "big deal" to the world because I exhibit simple humility. I aim not to judge but to listen instead.

Humility though it may seem a sign of weakness is actually an enlightening source of strength. I found that people are drawn to the humility in me and I've come to identify this as one of my key strengths. Humility is a process of endurance and it is a virtue which is still being developed within me. My entire lifestyle from family and friends to my career path as a teacher has greatly influenced my humbleness. My humbleness is a survival tool which is not measured by the standards of this world, and this is why I can establish myself as a big deal in the world."


"Growing up, I was considered the average girl, the girl that was smart but not essentially the smartest, pretty but not the prettiest, etc. I was the always compared to my counterparts which pushed me to thrive off the opinions and compliments of others. I needed to hear "you're beautiful", "you're smart", "you're talented".

It wasn't that I didn't know, but I simply needed confirmation and validation to believe that I was any of the aforementioned. It wasn't until I realised that sure there will be people that are considered to be smarter than me, or ultimately "better" than me but despite this, there will always be one "me" and there is no one that can be me better than me.

I stopped comparing myself to others and start believing in myself, encouraging myself, complementing myself....I became the source of that validation and confirmation I needed. This changed my life completely and I no longer had to second guess or undermine my capabilities or characteristics because in this big world, I AM A BIG DEAL and so is everyone else".


For a long time in my teen years I felt like I never quite fitted in. Although, most would say I was an extrovert, I was really an introverted – extrovert. I found myself constantly doubting my self-worth and on top of that I have always been hyper sensitive. Due to this hypersensitivity, I was very conscious of problems that took place in the world when I was younger and I didn't know how I could help everyone and somehow magically achieve world peace.

I was always told I had a serving heart but I didn't see it because I wasn't doing extraordinary, extravagant acts of chivalry. However, that all changed when I turned 16 and I got my first job. I was constantly surrounded by children at work and home. My relationship with my younger siblings helped me realise my gift of empathy BUT that didn't happen until I started work. The younger children and parents I met were super responsive and very encouraging towards me. I have managed to create long lasting relationships with people and as a result that caused me to realise that I am important. That no matter how small the deed is, you will be rewarded immensely.

In turn, that has boosted my confidence and I now know that when I do have the means to spearhead amazing acts of charity, empathy and love. I will succeed.


I think I am a big deal because I strive to make a difference in someone life's and the world everyday no matter how small it may be and I try to encourage others to do well. I came to that conclusion because of my generosity.
On that note I bring this chapter to a close. I hope that this has helped you to see yourself in a different light and that it has inspired you in some way.

Don't forget to share with a friend, vote and comment. Remember to message me if you have any questions or you just need someone to talk to. My social pages are in my bio feel free to follow me! 😘😘 Until next time!

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